Some questions (maybe spoliers)

I have a few questions that may help me to like this film more.

I'm not sure I understand it when Noi appears to change into Nid or at least puts on the appearance of being her. Was it the actress who played Nid in those parts? Also, was it only in the guy's imagination?

Right after Noi tells the guy to go for a bath there's a quick scene where it shows Noi from the back with her future Osaka short hair style. She's looking at some neon adverts somewhere. Where was this? When was this supposed to be and what are we supposed to understand from this scene?

Who was the note "This is Bliss" from?

Why were all those things on the desk in front of the guy at the very end? Amongst them was that Lizard Comic Book that he kept mentioning. Why would that be there. He had lost it. Unless of course it was in Noi's car the whole time. Then why would the police have put it on the table - it's only a book?

Was Nid the girl in the library at the start that had the lizard book in her hand? What was that whole scene about?

How much of the film do you think was in Kenji's imagination?

There were a few other small items that felt strange to me as well but the above will do for now. Thanks if you can provide some answers.


only a few questions which I could try answering.

>I'm not sure I understand it when Noi appears to change into Nid or at least >puts on the appearance of being her. Was it the actress who played Nid in >those parts? Also, was it only in the guy's imagination?

I think Noi changing into Nid was all Kenji's imagination (see next question/answer)

>Was Nid the girl in the library at the start that had the lizard book in her >hand? What was that whole scene about?

Yes, it was Nid who took that book. Kenji noticed the girl and it seems he liked her very much (kinda love from the first sight or smth), then he took the same book home for his own reasons. This also should ansver the previous question because kenji liked Nid and later he imagined Noi being Nid. Nothing too complicated here.

>How much of the film do you think was in Kenji's imagination?
I think it was prety clear of how much of the film was just Kenji's imagination. It's the scene in the beginning as Kenji is hanged, then the scene as Kenji is jumping from the bridge, also as Kenji imagines Noi changing into Nid and the last scene where he imagines going to Osaka to see Noi (this one is discussable but I think most would agree with this). Maybe I missed some minor scenes but it doesn't make much sense because the reality/imagination is quite well separated in the film. Of course we could fall more into interpretations but I think in the end we could drown too deep into it and even start claiming that the whole film was just Kenji's imagination so let's stick to the scenes I mentioned.


I am also confused by the Noi in Nid's clothes thing. I think it was Noi in Nid's clothes but it was in Kenji's head because i think that it was a transference of love from Nid the girl he loved that the start to her sister. He realised at that point he loved Noi as well and how they were so similar only Noi was a little more mature.

The this is bliss note is from Kenji, he wrote it as a suicide note at the start when he was going to hang himself remember? And his brother wrote gone jogging or something on the back, so that is the same note we see at the end in the police station.

I dont recall having seen the lizard book in the police station, but if it was in that scene then id assume he had it in his bag all along maybe or it was found in his apartment.

I think the guy liked Nid when he saw her at the library, he checked out her book so he could learn more about her likes. He reads the story and it makes him depressed enough to want to jump off the bridge, because the books is basically about a lizard who dies or something or is cut off from everyone. So maybe he thinks that Nid's life is similar to his in that she contemplates suicide. This is a very big assumption here.

I think it is obvious which bits are in Kenji's mind, the bits that don't come true are the one's that are figments of his imagination, I think this is because he is indifferent to everything at the start and has nothing to live for. However i believe that the end scene with him dreaming that he meets up with Noi in japan is actually something that is going to happen that has not happened yet. This is because he has found something that was once lost, represented by the lizard book perhaps? He always asks for his lizard from Noi maybe it means that he is searching for something to live for or care about, remember he saw Nid read the lizard book at the start and perhaps that shows that he has fallen in love with her/has something to live for or care about, but then she dies so he becomes despondant again and wants to kill himself again as shown in Noi's kitchen the scene where he was just about to cut his wrist with the knife. He keeps asking her for the book as if developing feelings for her, until she suddenly changes into her sister for a bit as if a transference of love maybe and in the end the book is in his bag, he has found a reason to live or care for and will endeavour to try and meet her again in the future although none of that has happened yet because it cuts to him in the police station and her in airport.


I've always wondered, was Kenji really in a police station at the end. It appears so, but why would they leave him handcuffed in front of his possessions?
