is the Lizard Book real?

Does anyone know the title of that book in the movie and if it's real and available for purchase?


While I don't know whether Yukio Mishima has written the "Lizard Book" or not, I can recommend other titles by him. I've read "The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea." Like the movie, the theme of death, among other things, is very prominent. Just in care you're interested, Mishima is also [in]famous for commited harakiri (ritual suicide with a short dagger stabbed into one's stomach) at the end of his quest to write books.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think he's talking about the copy of "Black Lizard" on his bedstand at the begining of the movie. Black Lizard is a book that was written by Rampo Edogawa, but Yukio Mishima did write the play adaptation, which is what I'm assuming is the book lying on his desk.

Anyway, If you are refering to the supposed Japanese Children's book "The Last Lizard" or whatever it's called, I haven't been able to find any information on it anywhere.


Kinda going off topic here, but while watching this movie, I was most reminded of the book "The Bunny Suicides." I got reminded of it bc of that whole theme of wanting to kill yourself for (kind of anyway) no apparent reason, and trying all these different ways to kill yourself (Kenji trying to hang himself, cut himself, get run over, trip and fall with the rope, etc). I guess the only difference between the two books is that the bunnies are immediately successful, while Kenji is not.
Do what now?
