Miikes Role

Is miike takashi (who plays one of the yakuza) in this film much? Or os it more of a 30 second cameo kind of deal??


more than 30 seconds...and kind of a hilarious role.


I didn't think the "3 Yakuza Stooges" bit was funny at all. It was the only part in the movie that was a turn off for me. It was way too desperately funny, and at that point in the movie, there was no need for physical humor, or lame jokes (the guy yelling at the toilet to freeze), especially when they were done so poorly.

The entire Yakuza thing could've been far more interesting if they had taken it a little more seriously. I like physical humor, but this was just lame. They could've pulled off the "dumb Yakuza trio" theme better. That whole segment of the film, it seemed like they were trying to go for this feeling of tension and somewhat of a climax. Having the Yakuza act abnormally stupid and all the head slapping just didn't flow with the rest of the movie and was too much of a distraction to enjoy that part of the movie.

Maybe the director knew it didn't match and all that head slapping was unnecessary, but he had to keep in in the movie simply bc Miike was in it. Or maybe Miike put in his two cents and tried too hard to spice up that scene. Or, maybe it was completely intentional on the director's part. Afterall, that entire scene could've been part of Kenji's fantasyworld. Still, the previous scenes that would also be in Kenji's fantasyworld didn't have to resort to such unimaginable behavior to provide that fantasy feel to the scene. I dunno, I'm probably all wrong. And maybe I'm the only one who thought the 3 Yakuza stooges was contrived and unfunny.
Do what now?
