Should I see this?

I haven't seen this movie, and I'm wondering if it's worth searching for.

"You said it yourself: All I have is sarcasm and a gun!" Sandra Bullock


Yes, it's a beautiful movie.


I highly recommend you this film.
Especially when you're feeling lonely, this film can surprisingly warm your heart.

To me, it's the best Thai film ever. 10/10


You simply must see the film. It's a rare and beautiful experience.


If you like movies that are simple yet moving, plain yet breath-taking, then 'Last Life...' is for you.

"Had joy no date nor age no need."




I think it's one of the most overated film in 2004. I cannot help feeling that this film is so pretentious.
Try "Blissfully yours" or "Tropical malady".They are more interesting thai films.


@ wipass...

I love how people label independent films overrated. More than 80% of regular movie-goers have probably never even heard of this title.

I can understand why someone wouldn't like it (different strokes for different folks), but the film is not 'overrated'. It's unique, original, and visually beautiful (cinematography is amazing in this film). Respect it for what it is, and don't pull the cliche "It's overrated!".


i LOVED his other movie MOnrak transistor too. fantastic. almost better.

69 was pretty boring and predictable


I loved "Last Life in the Universe." It's definitely worth checking out.


I still don't understand questions like this. How can we know what you'll like? Are you that clueless about yourself that you have to rely on others to make decisions for you? Everytime I'm not sure about seeing a movie, I don't run to the boards and simply ask if I should see it or not (that would mean I'd have to make "should I see this movie?" threads every single day). Instead, I read reviews on it, scan the boards, learn about what the film's about, etc, and then based on that decide whether this is the kind of movie you'd wanna see or not. In the first place, you're more likely to get biased answers asking if a movie is good on that movie's mb. See a movie because you think the storyline is intruiging, or because you like that director's work or something. Don't see a movie just because some stranger on a mb said you should (and usually with no good reasoning or explanation why). /rant
Do what now?


Good God!! Soooo sorry to offend you. I just wanted to know what real people thought about it, because I almost never agree with film critics. I just wanted to see if more people told me to see it or told me it sucked. I wasn't going to spend the money on it based on a review. I'll never effing ask again so I won't piss you off, kay?

"I can't believe she killed me, man! Who'da f*@#in' thought that?!"


Should of, could of, would of.....

How in tarnation would we know whether or not you'll like "Last Life"?

Pen-ek makes great arthouse films, but would your like him? Check it out and see and if you like it see another, all of his films are recommended and totally different.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off of our souls

