Too slow?

Anyone else think this movie was cool, but too slow. Common problem with asain films.


slow is beautiful


No, I think the pace was perfect. Because it's so slow you see the most minor gestures between the characters, which are very subtle but I think that it makes their relationship much more powerful (for the audience) than cliched sentimentality.


its slow but not to the point where you'd start nodding off. The movie kept my attention throughout the movie.




I love these movies but I could watch them with my remote on fastforward the entire DVD ... don't get me wrong ... I LOVE THESE movies and I love watching the way in which minor movements happen and facial gestures and simple actions that have deeper meaning! I live for that stuff in movies ... but I don't need to see every step to the car ... come on ... the car is parked 6 blocks away and we have to watch every step ... geez...

I thought Audition was slow and so many other foreign films ... but much more lovely and more character depth than that of American movies (maybe there is a point to the slow after all; NAH, the two are UNRELATED) ... SLOW IS JUST SLOW.

TRY Sympathy for Mr. Vengence and OLDBOY ... NOT SLOW! GGGGRRRREEEAAATT Stuff!

A beautiful movie where you don't notice the slow ... SERIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL ... Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter...and Spring. STUNNING! Do not watch in fastforward! (this is not disturbing or gory in any way .. but a beautiful movie about Life and coming of age).
