
I rented this movie and couldn't watch it. Just turned it off. Why? Because it looks like it was shot with a canon XL1! Am I missing something?


What version did you have ?

Mine is the artificial eye uk version, and to me the cinematography was excellent, by christopher doyle i might add who is in my opinion an excellent cinematographer, maybe your copy was bad or you just don't think the picture was great like me!

So, how much did you watch; 10, 20, 5 minutes? It's a shame cos this movie is excellent :)


Lol, im sure it was a bad copy, there is no justification in making that kind of comment about the wonderous Chris Doyle! Oh my god, did anyone see In the Mood for Love??



Maybe that;s the point; blurring the lines between reality and fantasy, real or recorded etc etc.
