Something Noi Said

When Noi and Kenji are at the beach talking about Kenji's brother. Noi replies by saying "My sister's dead". This confused me a little as surely he would know that, having been there. At first I thought it was maybe said in irony, but on second viewing it's not. It's said as if he had never met Nid, or atleast Noi never knew he knew her sister.

Also earlier, Kenji asks Noi if she's gone to see her sister in the hopsital.

Anyone else notice this? Have I missed something?

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it by not dying"


You just took the sentence out of context, it makes sense in the scene (she is being a little ironic, telling Kenji what they have in common, but it also shows a bit that the "sisterly love" isnt quite so strong as we were led to beleive earlier (holdover from conflict with father and later on rebellion and sleeping with Jon)

Kenji also is the same in that he really doesnt miss his brother much either

It sounds great... around here.
No. It's boring!
You have sister?
In Osaka?
We are same. My sister's dead too.
You miss your sister?
You miss your brother?
No, not really.
