Stupid question I need answered

Does anyone know why one of the yakuza guys kept asking random people if they were Kenji? I thought that they went to Thailand to kill Kenji's brother. And if they had found Kenji would they have killed him too?


Yes!They went to kill Takeshi.
In the novel they couldn't find Takeshi (they don't know where is Takeshi),they will came to find Kenji first.Because they think Kenji know where Takeshi are.


I think it represents that they didn't know who kenji was. They were satisfied with killing the man involved with Noi thinking he was kenji. You even see the yakuza with one eye putting his sandles back on. This however only works assuming that Noi's man isn't a figment of Kenjis imagination, created to put a face to the man on the other end of the phone call that kenji answered.


Not a stupid question. If the yakuza guys figured the hit had gone awry because they never heard back from the hitman, they'd still have been looking for Kenji's brother, not Kenji. On the other hand, if all they knew was that the brother was staying with Kenji, they'd have to track Kenji down to find the brother? Or maybe the brother had given his name as Kenji back in Japan? Or maybe we're looking for logic in the wrong movie?!


Yukio and Takashi are not Yakuza (witness the scene in the bar where he jokes about cutting off his dick makes him sound like he watches too many Yakuza movies)
No Yakuza in the world would ever make fun of the clan

They were asking for Kenji because they came looking for Kenji (most likely because of the reason he needed to flee Osaka and go hide out in Bangkok)
