My version of the ending

Maybe the director just made such controversial ending on purpose to make it look "cool" and make the viewers wonder and interpretate how it all was? ;)

Everybody want to be it a happy ending as Kenji finally goes to meet Noi to Osaka (well, he wasn't responsible for those deaths, only for the fact that he didn't call the police after his bro was shot and left two bodies inside his apartment, this wouldn't be hard for the police to reveal everything). So finally he goes there and meets Noi, all are happy and satisfied.

However the "sad" ending is thought to be more possible by many viewers since a good film cannot have a happy ending, can it (well most good films ain't got no happy endings, of course with some exceptions)? So the bad ending is that Kenji is accused for all kinds of bad things he did (or didn't do) and gets imprisoned for life and then starts to dream about how he's coming to Osaka to see his only love. His earlier dreamings about the suicide and not being able to find his point of life are changed by the dreams of being together with his loved girl Noi and it becomes his point of life.

However we can look further and forsee that even despite he's imprisoned for life, Noi still can come back and see him anyway(she loved him as well, didn't she?). So you see, there's plenty of space for interpretation. I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel but of course I'm realistic and most likely we'll never know what happened next to Kenji and Noi.

That was a great film, I dare to call it a masterpiece 10/10.


You ever considered the i have only watched it once through and need 2 re-watch to confirm a few things for this theory but...

Did Kenji have his bag in the toilet??

Maybe the yakuza took it and travelled to Japan to see Noi in a bid to find Kenji?? And Kenji simply climbed out his window to avoid them and got arrested.

Haha...only floor in that ending is that i swear Kenji didn;t know where she was going to be living, and the fact that how wud the yakuza dudes think to take that bag?!! Very the tiem it took me to write this ending I have already shut my own ending down...thus i now believe firmly in the...kenji went to prison for life, and Noi to Japan, and all we see is Kenji imagining him meeting with Noi in Japan...or perhaps Noi is stoned and imagines it herself? lol. awesome film. Beautiful.



I never got the impression that Kenji was in love with Noi...

Just that they both were lonely and found someone they could relate to... Sort of like a twin soul, but nothing romantic. Romance would ruin this movie!

Also I cannot believe Kenji would go to jail for THAT long. His only crime was killing in selfdefence, and not reporting the bodies to the police.

The ending could just be Kenji imagening going to Osaka to find Noi after a year or so... Or it could be the real thing. :)

I want a happy ending, so I`m aiming for the latter. They eventually meet again.


"Maybe the yakuza took it and travelled to Japan to see Noi in a bid to find Kenji??", Noi's roommate said "SomeONE's here to see you" so I doubt it


I just remembered the tattoos on kenji's back, like his brother's ... maybe he had done some bad things before, and he did kill the friend of his brother. But I don't know how many years you get for killing someone in thailand, or if there's any death penalty?


my take is that, Kenji's afterthought on going back to Osaka to meet Noi actually happens, the yakuza were supposed to take out kenji's brother(sleeping with the bosses daughter)and when they came to Kenji's apartment they were probably just looking for Kenji's brother and the guy who was supposed to kill Kenji's guessing that the yakuza were thankful for taking out both his brother and his killer. So they would let him go and the Yakuza would take of the rest(Kenji's apartment and him going back to Osaka)because Kenji was supposed to be hiding in thailand, the only thing we dont know is what Kenji did in the first place to be hiding in thailand, he probably wasn't hiding at all, he probably just wanted out and sought out suicide to cope with all the "bad" things he done in how would Kenji even find Noi in Osaka without the help from the Yakuzas...Miike was hilarious

its true a great soundtrack makes a better movie...I just made this up but its True :D


"im guessing that the yakuza were thankful for taking out both his brother and his killer". That makes absolutely no sense, did you not see that his brother's killer tried to kill him as well? If the yakuza's were still on good terms with Kenji that wouldn't have happened.

"plus how would Kenji even find Noi in Osaka without the help from the Yakuzas?" I don't know, a phone book? The film never actually says how long it took Kenji to find her, if you're persistent you could find somebody
