Which DVD?

Hi, I really want to get this film but IMDB lists it as having a runtime of 112mins and I can't find a version that long.

According to YesAsia's listings the Korean version is 103mins and the Thai DVD 108. The Japanese, UK and Us versions don't list the runtime.

Which version should I get?

"I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve it by not dying"


The Japanese Premium Edition has the longest runtime (& most special features) if that is what you were looking for (but it costs like $50!)

Korean and UK arent as good quality
Ive never seen Thai
So my vote is either US or Japan


The US edition is well done, but the fact they pan & scan it is a letdown
Thai edition is anamorphic widescreen, plus its in PAL format (which means there are some sync errors when converted to P&S NTSC... one of the most noticable is when Noi comes out & Kenji is laying under her car)

The Thai & Japanese editions have alot more special features (Japanese in particular is a 2 disc set) so if you are interested in the story and characters they will give you more (but on flip side, the story is beautiful because of its minimalism... so dont feel the US edition is a "waste"; its ALOT better than many US editions of Asian movies)


Thai is the best overall version of the dvd (more special features than US and it is a little longer)
Only drawback is some of the english subtitles are messed up (2 in particular show on screen WAY too early... if I hadnt seen US first Id def have been confused)
Oh and Thai is also one of the cheapest versions dollar-wise so thats always a good thing :)

Japanese has the most extras, including numerous interviews. Unfortunatly most of it is not subtitled at all, so unless you speak Japanese its a waste


I have an american (?) DVD produced by PALM. It has many fantastic special features most notably a commentary track by Chris Doyle (which, although not spectacular, is worth the price of the disk itself simply due to the fact that its a chris doyle commentary).

The previous version of this film i had scene ommitted the last few seconds of the blow-job scene where he smacks her and tells her to watch her teeth. This version is the full uncut version AFAIK, with good 5.1 audio and decent video (widescreen) and no problems with the subs. The only drawback is that it appears to be a PAL to NTSC conversion, meaning the image is 4% faster--its not that noticeable to most people, but to a more experienced eye it kind of creates a "video" effect by having extra-smooth motion. Minor drawback but the otherwise fantastic quality of the disk makes up for it.

The runtime according to the disk is only 104 minutes but i believe the missing few minutes are simply due to the PAL>NTSC speed-up. But the fact that the UK version is 109 and the original version is 112 according to IMDB seems to suggest that those are the respective differences with regards to speed-up. Perhaps IMDB is simply incorrect??


Luckily, I got the Thai version, in Original(Japanese, Thai & English)/Thai-dubbed Lanagauge the runtime is 108mins featuring 1. The original trailer, 2. Scoop (Interviews of the crews) 3. Sneak Peaks (trailers of other movies) and 4. lose spot, for less than $5.


I guess UK version is the best.Thai version is very bad picture quality,English-sub is not perfect(actually never mentioned about Mishima in Japanese dialog and not picture book's author,plus sometimes wrong timing).Some scene shortened(sexual scene in Jon's apartment).
Japanese version has only 2Ch.track(what!?) and no english-sub.

UK version seems perfect to me.Got 5.1ch.sound,very beautiful picture quality,40 min.featurette(not featured in Thai ver.),UK original director interview(40 min).

You should buy UK version 100%!


I have got this http://global.yesasia.com/en/PrdDept.aspx/code-c/section-videos/pid-1003973631/ one, and it's a very good transfer. 108 mins.

