MovieChat Forums > Ghost Recon Discussion > Just started to play again

Just started to play again

I have a PS3, and a 360 but for some reason I like to dust off the old xbox and play some of the older games. Ghost Recon is one of the ones I always enjoy playing again and again. The kills in this game are truly to be savored because unlike most shooter games you really earn each and every one.


For me Ghost Recon was one of the first games where the artificial intelligence of your team-mates and opponents were actually worthy of the tag – artificial intelligence. You're team-mates won't beat the missions on you're behalf, but are generally useful backups to have in fire fights and won't get stuck inside buildings or get themselves killed in idiotic ways too often. As hinted upon above, your enemies are competent adversaries (a Rambo walking around with guns blazing would only last a few seconds before succumbing to a head shot). My only gripe would be that their observation range seems somewhat short, while they react realistically to gun-shots falling around them, a lot of times they seem oblivious to any sounds further than 30 feet away. That said, being repeatedly killed by super intelligent & observant enemies would probably be no fun at all! At 2001 standards, the graphics were OK without being brilliant, and by today's standards they are not bad enough to detract from a good gaming experience.
