MovieChat Forums > Connie and Carla (2004) Discussion > FABULOUS! Saw it at Wednesday's Screenin...

FABULOUS! Saw it at Wednesday's Screening!

Nia Vardalos’s new comedy calls to mind something of a mix of We’re No Angels combined with a small dash of Just One of the Guys. Featuring a female duo of talent show rejects hiding from the mob by posing as drag queens instead of escaped convicts hiding from the law as priests, this film seems almost predestined to wallow in routine fish out of water clichés, or at best further contribute to post 80’s slump of inane gross out comedy. Luckily under Vardalos’ pen and Michael Lembeck’s direction, what may have been the ultimate trashy idea is fresh, funny, heartfelt and surprisingly intelligent in execution.

In this tale, Connie and Carla are two vaudeville entertainers for the airport diner dive circuit. Performing the same song and dance routine they’ve used since elementary school, they find their act unpopular even with the midday drunks. When the duo accidentally witness the murder of their mobster friend and moneylender, the two hotfoot it to the one place they can hide “with no dinner theater, and no culture whatsoever,” Los Angeles. After failed attempts with a few odd jobs, the two unwittingly end up at the local gay bar. As luck would have it, the bar is in need of a designated act, so the two girls audition, doing their best to pose as men…posing as women. Naturally, the two get the job, and turn the ailing gay cabaret into the number one LA hotspot. But with their newfound celebrity and Connie’s crush on a straight man, it’s only a matter of time before someone gets wise to their gender bending ruse, and the mafia thugs track them down.

More, including my fiancee's review here


Too bad most movie critics virulently disagree with you.



There are only 10 reviews on rotten tomatoes so far, and one of them is from The Palo Alto Weekly, the biggest joke paper in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Just wait until more quality reviews pop up. (ie: I don't even see any New York Times verdict yet.)


Most of the reviews i've seen have been very good. Some were awful but for the most part very good. You can go here to see the difference

Sent in by alfornos

DD gets great mention:)

As she did with John Corbett in her last film, Vardalos once again goes to the small screen for her leading man and comes up with a winner in David Duchovny, who is charming. His estranged brother, a drag queen in Connie and Carla's show, is smartly and poignantly played by Steven Spinella, best known for his Tony Award-winning work in "Angels in America." The scenes between he and Duchovny, in which they discuss their family issues, are touching and genuine.

full review:

There are more posted here

Some are brutal and some are great. For the most part i think David is getting more good then bad reviews and so is the movie
