Review from Village Voice

Village Voice reviews C&C
Another vehicle for Vardalos's fantasies (she again bags the stud, played here by David Duchovny), Connie and Carla lacks Abba and John Leguizamo, but it does have Debbie Reynolds, who in her five minutes on-screen, shows how playing yourself is really done.



The above was sent in by alfornos. Didn't sound as though they liked the movie very much, but they got the stud part right:)


Pippy, if you liked that one, you'll enjoy this:

"I am convinced Vardalos wrote Connie and Carla just so she could kiss David Duchovny. It wasn't to make us laugh (trust me on that one)."
-- Willie Waffle, WAFFLEMOVIES.COM

Have you ever met DD? I'm just curious since you're so
fanatically devoted to the man.
Not that I'm criticizing. I would like someone defending my
honor to the fullest all over the internet myself.
I'm not so sure if I'd want to meet you, but I'd appreciate
your service just the same.


Not quiet all over the internet. Only DD boards. Yes i did meet him. He's a very nice man. You don't have to worry about me. I'm a fine upstanding women.:) Happy to know i'm appreciated:)


>> I'm a fine upstanding women.:

Oh? How many are you?

All you wannabe critics in here come off sounding like vengeful drag queens that misunderstand the purpose of art -- and I bet, haven't attended one film class in all your meaningless and vacant,uneducated, pathetic lives.



Oh i'm more then one:) change the "e" to an "a"
