MovieChat Forums > Arthur et les Minimoys (2007) Discussion > so THAT'S where Avatar got its idea...

so THAT'S where Avatar got its idea...

Ah ha ha ha! James Cameron steals everything...



avatar is actually more like fern gully:the last rainforest.

sam tyler:David Bowie. Why does it always come back to David Bowie?


That's hillarious. My ex girlfriend had me watch Fern Gully the day after we saw Avatar just to prove to me it was a rip-off of Fern Gully. Having never seen it until after Avatar, I conceded her point. But it's awesome she's not the only one to notice.


good times...



The development of Avatar, actually began back in 1994, and James Cameron wrote the script even before then. So HA to you. He didn't steal anything. At most you can say he got some ideas from Ferngully and Dances With Wolves.


Let's say the filmmakers were in touch and shared some ideas. No?


My exact thoughts. I think the inspiration for "Avatar" came from this movie, especially the scene when Arthur first gets transformed, and the one when he flys the bug (mosquito, I believe) during the first attack.

Nothing wrong though. Art is mostly "stealing": artists inspire each other. And if indeed "Avatar" was inspired by this, they made hell of a job out of it.
