David White

does anybody know of some way I can contact him?


You can visit his Website and contact his agent at http://www.holymanundercover.com
Jeffrey Lee Hollis



I don't know where you heard that nonsense, but nothing could be farther from the truth. David is married to a lovely lady named Andrea. She's a great lady and he's a great guy. Now, crawl back under your rock.
Jeffrey Lee Hollis



You are unbelievable! I was AT HIS WEDDING. I know him and Andrea. They are madly in love with each other. As for the "evidence" that he doesn't have kids, they haven't been married that long.
I have met previous girlfriends of David's as well. He's not gay and he's not bi. I don't need someone to verify this. I know him! He's a heterosexual Christian with a gorgeous wife. Get a life, dude!
Jeffrey Lee Hollis


Right on Jeff it looks like this guy just enjoys picking on movies and people as you can see from his other posts on the IMDB. He`s looking to get your goat.




I am talking about the other post that you deleted or the IMDB may have deleted [Am I missing something?]. you also bashed Julia Roberts acting and now your are bashing Jeff who I believe, not your so called opinions. I think Jeff is helping people where as you are not trying help but just looking to get a debate going. I am betting that you are going to respond with an argument just to keep this post going. Jeff was right you do need to get a life!


I love David White, Kevin Downes and Brad Heller. They make a great team.



Like Flmbff suggested, go to his site. I emailed him a couple of months ago to ask a question about the sequel to The Moment After and he responded. Great actor and a heck of a nice guy!
