All the kids' films...

I'm curious whether any of the kids who made their own movies that are mentioned in this docu went on to be filmmakers. I tried googling but didn't come up with anything.

Randy and Jeffrey Holmes from Portland Oregon "Escape from incubus" was one of them.


From Wikipedia:

Ernie Fosselius (born 1946) is an American filmmaker who has largely stayed out of the public eye. He is best known for his satirical spoofs of popular films, including the classic Star Wars parody Hardware Wars.

(A "kid?" He'd have been 31 when Star Wars came out. But Hardware Wars was featured.)

1 Film career
1.1 Hardware Wars
2 Musical career
3 Other works
4 External links

[edit] Film career
Fosselius' film career began in the early 1970’s when he co-created 20 original animated films for Sesame Street.

Fosselius is known for his satirical short films. One of the most notable, made in 1976 for "Mother's Little Network", a Pythonesque sketch comedy show for WGBH in Boston, was The Hindenburger, in which a flying Big Mac burst into flames over New Jersey while a radio announcer (voiced by Fosselius) emotionally sobbed: "Oh the humanity!"

Porklips Now was a send-up of Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now which starred Billy Gray of TV's "Father Knows Best".

It has been said that Fosselius was the studio pick for the director of Pee-Wee's Big Adventure but passed on the film after a meeting with the films star, Paul Reubens. A later encounter in an elevator with the films director, Tim Burton led to his role in working as a sound editor on the Ed Wood film. Fosselius was sound engineer and foley editor on many films including Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story and The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Fosselius continued to work in the movie business as a director of "industrial" shorts, an actor, a screenwriter (11 scripts that never went into production, including the Zippy the Pinhead movie) sound effects and Foley editor, voice actor, and special effects fabricator (Robocop 2, etc.)

Ben Burtt asked Fosselius to contribute unusual voices and vocal effects to several Lucasfilm productions, such as the two pilots in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.

He voiced many of the "Ack Ack"s in Mars Attacks and he is also the voice of Trantor The Troll in Ernest Scared Stupid. He provided the voice of Poggle the Lesser in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and voiced the sobs of the Rancor Keepers, Malakili and Giran, in Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. He also contributed to the music score of Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jediand is credited with co-writing the song "Lapti Nek".

After a long hiatus from film making and directing, Fosselius returned to the scene, directing the Eegah episode of Cinema Insomnia with Mr. Lobo in which he also created many of the props. Most recently Fosselius created the short film, Plan 9.1 From Outer Space, which featured hand carved wooden puppets of the characters from the popular Ed Wood Film, Plan 9 From Outer Space. The puppets acted out the scenes along with the edited soundtrack of the original film.

[edit] Hardware Wars
Fosselius' biggest hit was his 1978 parody Hardware Wars, a 12 minute parody of Hollywood coming attractions that took on the cultural juggernaut that was Star Wars.

Complete with cardboard sets and visible wires holding up ships which were various household appliances, the film was shot over 4 days with a budget of around $7,000. When released, the film became a hit on its own, grossing close to three million dollars over its lifetime, making it one of the most popular and profitable short films of all time, but Fosselius netted very little of that profit.
