i should have checked!

when i began watching this 'documentary', i thought it was for reals. however, it wasn't long before i discerned that some things were very exaggerated, but hey, lots of conspiracy films have some exagerrations.

i got much more suspicious when they started cutting interview footage and i was afraid they were taking things out of context, and thought that it was a mistake on their part, as it made the testimonies much less credible.

thankfully, i always look through the credits in case there is something interesting in there, as is the case with some movies. so i kept watching, and slowly, then rapidly, it dawned on me that it was a parody!

i tell you, i was PRETTY PISSED, because since i didn't know that in advance, i got some facts mixed up.

overall, i am convinced it would have been more amusing to KNOW that it was a parody ahead of time (and WTF? former director of CIA giving interview in French??)

btw, i think that the argument with the flag "blowing in the wind" is BS, but the point about rapid temperature changes on the lunar surface did & DOES sound very credible.


a bit late but:
the former director of CIA spoke fluently french, so why shouldnt he give an interview to a french documentary filmer in french? he really was it and he really died after the interviews.

...that doesnt mean i believe this is not a parody, i just mean of course there are many interviews that are real, but just taken out of the context.

"I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup"


"overall, i am convinced it would have been more amusing to KNOW that it was a parody ahead of time"

It's not supposed to be amusing, it is supposed to show how easily people can be manipulated. You got angry, and you should because the filmmakers made you a fool. However, you should also have learned to be more critical in the future, (and it sounds like you have).


Touché. This is a brilliant documentary.
