It is fake!

That is right: IT IS FAKE,
The so-called director admitted so
People in the documentary also thought it was a nice prank - but they weren’t told that the documentary would be posted as a real one.

Think about it: would Donald Rumsfeld ever admit anything that could be used against him self: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
If you watch the so-called "documentary" you will see that the answers could be placed on different questions....
And in the end it is revealed: they all had scripts, therefore it is fake: IT IS SCIENCE FICTION. No more, no less

It should never have been published, unless they more accurately said that it was a fake documentary, in the end. This is quite misunderstandable.

Don’t watch this fake and flawed and bad documentary - you wont get smarter of it, more of the opposite, I will say


Watch Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 instead.


If any of these conspiracy-theories were true, we would have heard of the evidence in the independent and neutral media like; BBC, CNN, and especially from the arab-medias: Al-Yasera and Al-Arabia, who just would like to get dirt on USA

This is also the biggest paradox of ALL conspiracy-theories: If any of them were true, if there were any evidence we would hear about it from the independent and neutral media.

and secondly: im from Denmark too, i also first saw this documentary on the channel DR2, in i was outraches by the, what i beleived was, facts presented by the documentarie. And so did many others.
A long time after, a science-magasine in Denmark (illustreret vidensak) had focus on famous conspiracy thories, and the magasine evalueadad that the conspiracy-theory about the fake moon-landing was NOT belieable. The shortly after, many people, including my self, emailled the magazine to set focus on this documentary (Opération Lune), which we believed was reel. But in the start of the magazine the following week, the magazine announced that the documentary indeed WAS FAKE. IT IS TRUE IT IS FAKE.
The magazine, spoke very negative about the tv-channel, because the had not announced that the documentary indeed WAS FAKE, which the director always, apparantly, have said.

The French director of the documentary have ruined my dreams about the good documentary - Thank you very much (by the why, I were being sarcastic).

but you are right, dont watch it.


Yes it is fake, they reveal it during the credits, but you've totally missed the point of the documentary. The documentary was not about the moonlanding but more about how you can manipulate an audience, and it made it's point quite briliantly I think.
They took bits and pieces from the interviews and pulled them out of their context in such a way that they supported the basically rideculous story about Kubrick filming the moonlanding.
If you watch it with that perspective in mind I think it's one of the more powerful documentaries on the subject.



I first thought it was meant seriously, but the names kind of made me thinking.
One of the persons was called Daveid Bowman (character name from 2001), and one was called Jack Torrance (character from The Shining), so that gave it away for me, and made me look on the internet.

I agree with Sjensen-4 that we would have heard from it by independent media if it was a fake.
But, off topic, I don't think you should name CNN as independent, because they are far from it, believe me. That's a propaganda channel owned by the US government, and they are far from objective.


I don't have the time to read all your Euro-trash, but you are off your head imagining that BBC or CNN, etc, are NEUTRAL!? You haven't lost the plot, you never had it!

I am not a conspiracy theorist, however I adamantly defend them and know that behind the conspiracy there is a truth that is just as bad or worse!


I am not a conspiracy theorist,

however I adamantly defend them and know that behind the conspiracy there is a truth that is just as bad or worse!

That's being a conspiracy theorist, just one who makes sweeping generalisations.

Sayonara, not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language.


it is fake
dont watch it


I think they made the humorous nature of the documentary quite clear during the credits.

Hell, I was taken in by it... right up to the point where they claim Kubric filmed the thing. I mean, the arguments about the strange lighting conditions in the photographs are quite convincing.

As the credits rolled, I started feeling ...manipulated.
It's a good piece for any self-respecting thinker to watch. Reminds you to keep your bull*beep*-o-meter running...

#edit: why the *beep* can't you use strong language to make a point around here? :(


Of course it’s fake, every sane person knows that the moonlanding happened. The purpose of the film is to teach you to always be critical and question things you hear, which could be a good thing to keep in mind when you watch Fahrenheit 9/11.


yep, it is fake:

im just such an idiot, that i at first believed in this film




Nat94110 - yeah you probably think i am dumb with that comment you made.

The problem was that in my homecountry of denmark, when it was shown on tv (on the channel DR2) they said that it was a real documentary that proved that Stanley Kubrick faked the moonlanding..... People say that it is written in the end of the documentary, but i cant speak or read french so i didnt know that. Many people in my country was convinced that this was a reel documentary, and it has not been debunked yet, so many conspiracy theorists think that they have the proof in this documentary......... i was just enraged when i knew.
just like people was enraged when they knew that Peter Jacksons documentary Forgotten silver was fake. Because both are very well made, and convincing.

In the documentary "operaton lune", some people wanted to beleive it because they wanted this conspiracy theory to be true, and amongst it was probably also mixed some anti-americanism, which boiled together makes a very good blow to USA´s pride, if it where true.
In the documentary "forgotten silver", the people of new zealand wanted the documentary to be true, nationalism blinded them from their common sense.... like most tv and conspiracy theories.


That's the point. It's a prank. You do have pranks in Denmark, right? I'm guessing it aired on April 1st too.


I, for one, love a good april fools joke.

On top of that, I don't understand how anyone that watched the entire film could ever think this was real. Just goes to show you'll never go broke underestimating people's intelligence I suppose.



Plastique45 - yes you are right.

The problem was that when the local tv-station showed this documentary, they did not tell people it was fake - the told people that it was reel.
and ive heard that this has happended many places.

It just be more clear in the end of the movie, so that us that beleived in it, quickly knew that we where idiots to beleive in.


Yeah it is fake, but all the conspiracy theorists still beleived it.

shows that they are willing to beleive in anything blindly as lonf as it involves a conspiracy


It was pretty obvious, though. Notice how much voiceover is given to that guy who doesn't speak English. The guy isn't saying a whole lot. He's speaking slowly. The voiceover guy is spouting mouthfuls.

And we can't forget the end credits. The "I did not have sex with that woman" joke, and the rabbi saying that "the 'acidic' joke doesn't really work in Yiddish."


There are outtakes in the credits. Of course it is fake. It's clear that it is fake. But you don't learn that it is fake till the very, very end.

The documentary is meant to teach people not to believe everything they see.


I have never understood how people are confused about this movie. The facts don't make any sense half the time. The names are pulled from actual kubrick characters.
The time periods barely make any sense. I caught on within twenty minutes of the beginning. I mean how can you believe anything in the last 15 minutes?

This is by far one of the best films simply because it shows how easy people can be manipulated.


I only started watching the movie halfway through, but I knew it couldn't be real. I was trying to figure out how the filmmakers could get some many high level people to speak on the subject and say so many incrimidating things.

In other words, I thought it was a real documentary where they were manipulating interviews to support their point of view, not that it was a mockumentary where people like Rumsfeld were in on the joke.


@ thetrooper23: you have to know Kubric's movies to notice this. I'm not his fan, I know some titles, but no way I could remember characters' names.

@ csstrowbridge: have you paid attention to WHAT they actually say? Yes: nothing. There is no real meaning in the used sentences. They all could as good talk about fox hunt. The "plot" is wholy in the voice over. But it's hardly noticeable. Makes you wonder about daily news...

As for the broadcasters selling it as true documentary -- that's quite bad, but remember that telling it BEFORE would spoil the whole effect. I wonder if some people missed possible hints at the end, because they were already on the way to their telephones to spread the news ;-)


this is exactly what i was going to post, how can people here think its a revalation to reveal its fake when the documentary makes sure you know its fake before it ends. i have never heard of kubrick or watched his movies but i was sceptical from the islanders comments and was confirmed at the end. come on the rabbi asks for the script

maybe the lesson for these people is obviously you didn't watch it to the end so maybe you should watch things untill the end before passing a judgements on them and if you did watch it until the end maybe you should start paying a bit more attention to things.
