okay so it is fake

but some of the stuff they said brings up some questions. Do i really believe that a pic of kubrik was really left on the floor, NO...but look at the shadows...not only in this but in the actual pictures of the landing. WE NEVER LANDED ON THE MOTHER EFFING MOON. ACCEPT IT.


better yet, I'll just accept that you're a doofus for believing it was a hoax.
Try this:

btw, using capital letters doesn't make the tripe you're shovelling any more relevant or valid.



If the American moon landing was fake, then answer this. Why would Russia and China go along with it? It has made us look superior to them for 40 years. It's almost 2009 and neither of those countries accomplished what we did in 1969. You're telling me that two countries with egos and imperial aspirations the size of Russia's and China's (did you see that meglomaniacal Olympic opening) would go along with an American hoax that made them look poor and technologically primitive?

I believe that people who refuse to accept that people landed on the moon are the victims of magical thinking. In their minds the moon is something more than a rock orbiting the earth at a distance of a mere couple of hundred thousands miles.


I think your average Apollo hoax conspiracy theorist suffers from a serious inferiority complex. Basically, he's a loser.

He'd like to think of himself as the smartest guy on the planet. A successful Apollo program seriously threatens that delusion because he hasn't a clue himself how to go to the moon. His knowledge of physics and math is nearly nonexistent, and what he doesn't know or understand simply isn't important. He can't even describe in his own words how Apollo supposedly worked.

About 400,000 people worked on Apollo at its peak. If Apollo was a success, then all those people must have been a lot smarter and a lot more accomplished than our poor conspiracy theorist.

Believing that Apollo was just a big hoax solves his problem quite nicely.

He need not feel inferior to anyone for something they didn't actually do. He can bask in a glow of moral superiority over those who lie, cheat and steal. He's far smarter than the rest of us gullible fools who still believe Apollo was real.

Overnight, he's no longer a nobody. He's one of the select few who were clever enough to spot the clues that us "sheep" all missed. And he's magnanimous enough to do us all a service by telling us all what REALLY happened.


Haha, this whole post is just one long combo of crushing blows. Well done.

White gloves hide dirty hands.


This might be one of the best posts about the human condition ever made.


Very well said, karn.
