What is the holdup?

This movie should be in theatres right now!!! P. Hilton is so hot right now, this film could make a killing. Why am I not seeing it anywhere? There is a huge demand for this right now!


They are apparently in negotiations with several studios, it'll be out very soon. Plus, Paris' fame won't fade away that quick, if at all. She just got picked to host the Miss America Pageant 2004 as well. I am very interested in THE HILLZ as well, and about Paris' performance. But also the LEADS. Guess there are some newcomers. GO THE HILLZ!! Maybe the director can post something about them, and their roles....


Yeah I'm interested in one particular actor that appears in The Hillz...and i guess he is a newcomer but anyway, his name is James DeBello....and i just wanted to see what kind of character he plays in this film....i can't wait...


Jimmy De Bello is not really a newcomer! He starred already in "Detroit Rock City", Swimming Pool, CabiN Fever just to name a few. Rene Heger and Vince Rimoldi (Camp) are more or less the main newcomers so to speak. Can't wait for the trailer on www.thehillzmovie.com


yeah i know...i actually became a fan of James a year before Detroit Rock City came out from a pool tournament that i went to...but anyway, i have seen all of his movies (except this one of course. But yeah...some people consider him a newcomer (because no one has ever really heard of him)...but i really am a huge fan of his


You can now see the trailer for the movie on www.Thehillzmovie.com.


Hmm, I do have quicktime, but it doesnt work....


Yeah that link doesn't seem to be working..........


THE HILLZ will have it's World Premiere at the Boston International Film Festival on June 25th at 7:30 PM.
