does steve 5 die???

ok i actually liked it remined me of kids...but the ending wow sucked! does steve 5 die? thatw ould suck he finally had heather. also it was weird how she was totally cool he was involved in her b/f's death. she didnt care he was even dead


i think that whole scene was a dream sequence where she said that she didnt even care he was dead and yeah i think he died


yes he dies, and he didnt get heather that was his dream that he got her pay better attenion


i think he dies, since at he start of the movie he goes on about when you die your life flashes befor your eyes, and the opening scene is of them chasing those kids that shoot at them in the end (even though you dont know they're chasing them at the start)


yeah him and duff died but heather didnt really care about either of them i guess she didnt show like any sympethy towards either of them


Who killed Steve and Duff?


random thugs did it, i felt like it was karma on duff and steve a cycle of violence that they started in their neighbor hood when forming their gang
