MovieChat Forums > Ce jour-là (2003) Discussion > No discussion? Possible Spoilers!

No discussion? Possible Spoilers!

Just watched this tonight. Found it fun,intriguing and playful, but a bit drawn out. Nice single conceit but needed more.(Of course, it's always possible that I completely missed some sophisticated intellectual explanations.)

Strangely enough, I was a bit perplexed by 2 things at the end. The 'guardian' mentions that he protected the girl "like I protected your mother", but her mother had been killed (by her lover who was then killed) so did you take this to mean that the guardian had the lover killed just as he had his own brother killed, revealing him, the guardian, to be, ironically, in the 'god' role? And the very end of the film- something about a posthumous prize given by the CEO of Salsox, radio announced while a troupe of schoolchildren walk through the village. Perhaps a trivial scene, but it IS the very end of the film, which is usually not trivial for the director. Any thoughts? Even if it was there to show that Salsox had a powerful presence in the world, it just seemed tacked on and unnecessary.

Ad hoc, Ad loc, Quid pro queeee,
So little time and so much to see
