bad acting?

im sorry i dont want to be mean but i watched a little bit of this movie and i had to turn it off because the acting was so bad and the overall quality of the movie. it didnt seem very professionally made. i felt like i was watching a reality tv show trying to act.


Amen, sister. This is a complete POS. Really gives legitimate filmmakers hope that true talent will be recognized at fests where this junk made an impression.


I thought this was a small independent movie. That's what it felt like, sort of like Clerks, especially the lead.

And your comment doesn't make any sense. I'd think the last thing small hopeful filmmakers want to be judged on is the quality of their actors.


LOL...your comments make no sense krisweddin.

The quality of the actors most certainly can make or break a small independent films.

How do you think small films get noticed? The performances.


Where did I say the quality of the performance can't make or break a small independent films?

I can't see why an independent director would want focus on the quality of the actors, as it's normally the weakest aspect of an independent movie with an unknown cast. Clerks, the Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, etc...they succeeded despite some really weak performances.

Script, storytelling, direction...that's a level playing field. Bob from the community theater vs Richard Harris? Good luck.


Because if the actors are no good there is no film. Independent directors want to get some notice. They may not want to become big time Hollywood directors but they want some positive attention.

You can have a small independent movies with really good performances that make it a sleeper.

People don't set out to make bad films.


I thought the acting was outstanding. Emily Grace really took me into her character.


I thought the acting was outstanding. Emily Grace really took me into her character.

I agree 100%! The acting in this film was great, mainly because it sounded so 'un-acting' like...they act like real people.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


I think Judith Ivey is a good actress and did a good job in this. I was quite surprised to see her in this.
