What happened to Joe Tom?

I saw Extreme Makeover and did not see him there.Did he go back to live with his mom? it been so long since i saw My flesh and blood.


Sadly, he passed away from complications from cystic fibrosis.

"You bet! Hit me on the slant!"


he coughed and broke a rib and died of complications at the end of the film.


and by the way...where's dad? i know she's divorced..but where's he at helping with his biological kids?


Which dad do you mean? If you mean Joe's dad, then I'm not sure. I'm guessing Joe never really knew his dad. And if you mean Susan Tom's husband, then he's not really helping with his biological kids anymore as they're all adults now. And he's not helping with the adopted kids because Susan adopted most, if not all, of those kids after the divorce.



yeah. his biological kids are all grown up, and margaret and katie are his other adopted children. katie might still recieve support, but depending on his job, he probably doesn't give very much. the government pays for her children. but if she were to work, these kids would jump between many foster homes, which would probably be very mentally tiring. so i support social security %100 for susan.


How could you forget that he was the one who died in the film? I know it's been a while for you but that was a pretty major part.



The movie stated very clearly how he passed. He coughed, broke a rib and they said it was too "painful" for him to keep breathing. Susan Tom told this story from her bed it looked like.



yes, it seemed that he took off his breathing apparatus at one point, caught on camera. The camera crew probably notified the nurse ....but later on he may have decided to let himself die, not being able to put up with the pain.
