How does the Codec work?

It doesn't make sense to me. For example, when Raiden locates Ames and talks with him, Ames suggests switching to nanocommunication. How is that any different from speaking with him directly? Aren't they still talking?

I heard one theory saying that nanocommunication actually involves speaking thru thoughts rather than speech. Can anyone back this up?

Just when my coil's reaching the green line...
- Shotaro Kaneda


Yes, that's exactly true, it montiors brain waves and sends thought, in a nutshell.

Fun Fact: DARPA is currently working on something similar, except with will be an earpieace as opposed to nanomachines, and all the voices are computerized as opposed to the real voice. Technology can only go so far.


Look, they just made those "face to face" codec sequences, because they didn't want to spend the time to make cinematic sequences.

"It doesn't feel right to shoot an unarmed man... but I'll get over it."


You're probably right, they really pissed me off, 4 bloody characters who you talk to with nanomachines rather than face to face
