MovieChat Forums > Manderlay (2005) Discussion > I wonder if years from now they'll make ...

I wonder if years from now they'll make movies about anti-Americanism

Von Trier has made a career of being psychotically anti-American and it seems like rather than being the quirky exception, he's in the forefront of a new international trend. I find it funny that he has now made a movie about racism when his own prejudices are so transparent. For those who think his 'outsider' vantage is objective, let me assure you, von Trier's view of America is as accurate as any Middle-Eastern country depicted in a Rambo movie. One hundred years from now, people will watch his films the same way students today watch Birth of a Nation.


You didn't really understand very much of this film, did you now?


First of all, lars von trier has not made a career out of being anti-american. He's only made three films which could possibily be construed this way (Dancer in the Dark, Dogville and Manderlay.) Second, it is possible to criticize a nation without being racist. For instance, would you consider an anti third reich film to be prejudiced towards Germans? And also, his films Manderlay and Dogville are not meant to be objective. Rather, they are postmodern handlings of themes and styles present within traditional American theater, literature and film. This is done to emphasize the themes within American history of oppression and violence in a way that also relates to America's current political position.


I am American and fiercly patriotic.
Von Trier is one of my favorite film makers.
The guy is amazing.
I have seen Dancer in the Dark and Dogville, and found niether of them even remotely anti-American.
If Von Trier's films were that simple, I wouldn't admire him as I do and love his movies so much.

I will see Manderlay very soon, as I expect it to be in my mailbox when I get home today.


I totally agree! I am American and very patriotic. I don't think that the films are anti-American but more of a social study of life. Everybody has prejudice and I don't think it's fair at all to label him racist because he disagrees with American foreign policy just as millions of Americans do as well! I can clearly see the similarities in the film between Grace/slaves and US/Iraq. What I don't get is how people seeing the film can not see that it's pretty much an accurate portrait of how things have been! The US has a long history of screwing around in the middle east. Eventually someone is going to have to figure out that maybe we can't just push our "values" on to everybody else.


thank you aworld unknown i couldnt have said it any better

