MovieChat Forums > Manderlay (2005) Discussion > The problem with Guys like Lars....

The problem with Guys like Lars.... that they know exceptionally little about our country, yet feel compelled to not only comment on it, but to try to get their truly uninformed opinions on our culture, out to as many people as possible. I never understood this drive...I mean, guys, i love ya (euros) to death...but you really have no idea who we (americans) are, or what our culture truly is. I mean...look, i got it, you saw some movies, saw some news casts agenda on us (we call it the "news", but every outlet of it is just one bias pushing device of some sort)...But you really dont know us at all, you just think you do. Americans never comment on your cultures, you might have a character in a movie from one of your countries, but we just dont make films that somehow imply we understand and can critque your seperate (or collective) culture and way of life...Its like, you dont find movies from american directors, about the reasons why western europe so embrassed Hitler after token resistence, and worked with him to set up execution chambers across the continent to kill millions apon millions apon millions of jews/gypsies/Russians/Homosexuals/Politically inconvient people/intellectuals...we just have not and will not make that movie. the few of us who talk about it, generally try to justify the European embrace of the slaughter with notes like "different times" or "he gave such good speeches" or some other nonsense. Yet, becouse europeans watch our movies/tv, or read some biased agenda driven news articles (from both our own goofy selfhating side of the media and your own American hating presses) think you know us well enough to comment on us...How goofy is that?
Im not even talking about this man in particular...i mean, yeah thats abnormally arrogant for a man whos never spent 1 secound in a culture/country, to make film after film after film about it....but im saying in the broader sense, how weird that whole "i saw 'pulp fiction' so i can comment on America as a collective" idea out there....I mean, Ive seen "my life as a dog" and "Doctor who" on TV...does that mean i can , with ANY SORT OF GRAVITY OR AUTHORITY, make a movie about european attrocities in the colonial era in Africa or Asia? Or I could make a movie about why europeans embraced hitler and his idealogy? Or why ,after millions apon millions of american lives were lost fighting to give you your countrys back from madmen you embraced , you still feel the need to attack us? Anyway, thats my opinion. And its simply this, you dont know us. Were nice and pretend you do, but you really try and remember that when you feel the urge to make movies or feel the need to attack us constantly.


"America... the land we love to hate... and by we I mean Americans..."

I agree with a good deal of your assessment. I do think the underlying philosophy of many of Trier's films is sound, but it is also fed by the faddish movement to *only* observe the easiest target when it comes to cultural commentary, and there's little doubt which country is the biggest, eaiest target in these cases.

America struggles daily with education, crime, poverty within its own borders... the same basic struggles every country deals with, yet somehow our own struggle is inflated to a level of megalomania... the internet is plastered with accounts of "stupid americans", yet anyone who's visited any other industrialized nation isn't going to harbor any doubts about stupidity being a human traight, not one determined by national borders. America's flaws in these areas are highlighted to the exclusion of all else.

America has hosted slavery, human rights inequalities, and the full gammut of nationalist error. Again, this is something we share in common with almost every country, yet when it is discussed in today's context, somehow America's errors become the glaring issue, and magically all else is eclipsed. America has become a fabulous target for others highlighting what others decry in a nation while happily ignoring the same qualities in their own, both past and present, and that sums the issue up: As long as America is "the lazy, fat, stupid, unfair, warmongering" country, then the others don't have to be.

We bungle and struggle, like any other nation. We just happen to be the one under the magnifying glass right now. Other's need to keep it that way, for fear the same glass will turn upon them in time. Lord help them when it does, because they've busily built up a full generation of resentment in this mindless passtime.



It's just so's like, there is this weird sense of european arrogance...I dont mean to offend, I really dont...This bizzare sense of entitlement to attack our (american) culture, and somehow point fingers at us, like we are some villian or someone to be mocked...And whats so frustrating, is that its just the most baseless uninformed attacks that get just accepted as gospel by so many ive spoken to. Americans get the fallout for trying to fix the middle east after centuries of cultural rape and actually genocide commited by europeans...yet now isreal and by extension america, are the cause of these issues...not the 1000+ years of european attrocites in the, its only the last 40 or so that count. We also get somehow taged with slavery if it wasnt dutch and spainish and french who were the actual slavers who raped/murdered their way across africa, and destroyed that contient and the hundreds of millions there...but becouse 1/20 slaves BROUGHT to the western hemisphere ended up in america, we get the tag of slavery alone...Not the vast majority who went to european colonies/extensions in caribeen and S. America...America alone catchs the fallout. I mean, god, of course it was horrible and wrong...but we have reworked out society to not only fix it, but to curb the lingering effects its had centuries down the road. What other culture does that? We are the only one founded purely on law and principle...and we offer the greatest chances of (in many peoples views, hence the mass immigration here for 400 years) success and personal fulfillment possible in the world...God, i just hate this is all. We are by no means perfect, but damn we have done a hell of a lot of good for all of our flaws. We have done more to help and protect people then any other culture out there. We have by no means commited anywhere near the greatest attrocities of any culture in history, and the ones we have , we struggle with every day to not only fix, but to ensure they wont happen again in the future...Oh well, I love my country, what can i say. Im just tired of people trashing it when they have no business doing so.


America imposes itself upon the entire world, so naturally the people of the world are going to say things about America.


All four posts=epic fail


Hasek's post = epic fail


Just to be clear on this, Germany declared war on the USA - not the other way around.

And quite honestly all the points [American] people raise about Von Trier making films about things he hasn't experienced first hand can be levelled against popular American culture for sticking to silly, unfounded national stereotypes. The smelly, cowardly Frenchman; the uptight Englishman who lives in a mansion; the drunken Irishman; the lazy Spaniard.. blah blah.

The average American probably won't know much about Denmark or New Zealand or Paraguay; but you can be DAMN sure we all know about America. And how do we see ourselves portrayed on American tv or film if we are allowed a mention? By whatever idiotic, pejorative national stereotype they can pluck out of the air.

We perceive people how we want to, or how it best suits our mood. Types 1 - 7, it's easy.

We [Europeans] think all Americans are fat, moronic, xenophobic imbeciles; you think we're drunks/lazy/have bad teeth/whatever. What's the difference?


I mostly agree with you -- op, you say Americans don't comment on other cultures, but they do...particularly with disgusting, redundant stereotypes. Lars von Trier is analysing your culture meticulously... I can't grasp how that's a negative thing. It seems to me you're being sensitive (I can understand this in certain situations), excessively almost, and suggesting if this film were created by an American filmmaker, it'd somehow be more valid. You must understand your country has a very heavy international presence -- its culture must therefore be open to probing by international citizens. It's their right.



you say Americans don't comment on other cultures, but they do...particularly with disgusting, redundant stereotypes.

Ppffftt. I see the same stereotypes utilized in foreign films. Next?

Lars von Trier is analysing your culture meticulously...

Ppffftt. And how do you figure he is "analysing" us "meticulously" if he's never set foot on our soil? No, rather, he is reacting to things he has no first hand, eye witness accounting of. Thinking you "know" something because you've seen it in a film or read about it is nonsense. You have to experience something to know it. Think you know about sex if you've never had it? You may fancy you do...but, sadly, you don't.

... I can't grasp how that's a negative thing.

That's it right can't grasp it. However, now that you've been schooled, perhaps you can! :)


I never claimed they didn't (they do) - "stereotyping" is undoubtedly a necessary tool in conveying a filmmaker's meaning of something or enhancing a film's entertainment value. Americans sometimes portray French, Russians, Aussies, Asians, whatever, as caricatures, for comedic or dramatic purposes - you may not be partial to that interpretation, and vice versa, but suck it up if it's not the most harmful thing in the world, for the sake of "freedom of expression" (not to sound dramatic or anything)... what are your thoughts on the Islamic Republic censorship bureau, and their wanting to ban/cutting up "Persepolis", or the Russian Communist party's outrage over Cate Blanchett's performance in Indiana Jones, or the assassination of Theo Van Gogh? I doubt you think they're justified...

If our countries didn't value different perspectives, even if they involve criticism, then what would they look like? Those films are the most important.

"Ppffftt. And how do you figure he is "analysing" us "meticulously" if he's never set foot on our soil? No, rather, he is reacting to things he has no first hand, eye witness accounting of. Thinking you "know" something because you've seen it in a film or read about it is nonsense. You have to experience something to know it. Think you know about sex if you've never had it? You may fancy you do...but, sadly, you don't."

So...I haven't visited America, therefore I know nothing about it? That is ridiculous...we live in a globalised world - your country can be studied through a variety of mediums. An analysis does not have to be based on first-hand experience...I'm Australian, I have *a lot* to say about your country (socially, economically, politically, historically, etc.), I've formed many an opinion based on materials and Americans and news stories I've engaged with - all Lars von Trier requires is curiousity, not a ticket (besides - he can't fly, that does not deny one an opinion on the most influential country in the world! Goodness, why bother with even covering international news then?). Everyone in the entire world does it on a daily basis, domestically - of Iraqis and Iranians, of Australians, of the North Koreans, Russians, Chinese. von Trier's films are opinion pieces, his perspective - nothing else matters.







Another showcase of the rampant hypocrisy from the inhabitants of the US and A.
Lars is only picking at that huge hypocrisy from many (not all, of course) yanks.
How many times we have seen Hollywood portraying the "vices" of other nations in the most grotesque and despicable way? How many propaganda films about how *beep* great is Amuhrrika have produced Hollywood in the last 90 years?
Practically every other country have been vilified ad nasueam by hundreds if not thousands of movies that depicts africans, latin-americans, europeans, asians, etc. no better than savage beasts.
In how many Hollywood films the villains are always: arabs, latinos, germans, frenchs, russians, slavs in general, japanese, chinese, north-koreans, vietnamites, cambodians, africans, spaniards, turks, even englishmen and canucks!?
But don't dare you to make a movie about one BIG truth on the very recent past of the USA because then you are the worst scumbag in the history of mankind! Hypocrites!
Recently across USA everybody was celebrating the fall of Berlin Wall, but at the same time the US government is rising a bigger wall in the border with Mexico, pushing honest and humble hardworkers who are only looking for a decent job, to cross across the merciless desert.
MORE people have died because of that Wall in the border in the last 2 years than whole the people who died while trying to leave East-Berlin since it was built until it was demolished. What about that?
Don't chicken out from your own vicious past. USA practically exterminated native-americans. Stole whole the south-west after imposing an unfair war on Mexico, african-americans were used as slaves for centuries and even now, african-americans and other minorities are treated like 2nd class citizens. Face it!
And what about Vietnam? Cambodia? Laos? Korea?, Somalia? Afganistan? Iraq? Nicaragua? Honduras? Guatemala? El Salvador? Dominican Republic? Grenada? Haiti? Cuba? Should I continue?
Who fully supported the rogue fascist dictatorships around the world during the cold-war? Who helped to dethrone democratically elected governments just because they were "leftists"? Does Chile? Guatemala? Argentina? Brazil? Spain? rings you a bell?

EVERY modern nation have its share of crimes and unjust acts against either their own population or another countries. Lars is only pointing out to the fact that USA is not better than any other country in that regard. But when frenchs, spaniards, english, germans, russians, japanese, etc. Are all of them reflecting on the crimes commited by their countrymen in the past. USA citizens apparently still believes that they are the embodiment of ALL the good things on earth, that they are superior, chosen by God to guide the rest of the world, etc. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are NOT! You are like us, perhaps richer and better armed (one thing leads the other and vice versa), that's all. Open your eyes, you are not alone, the world existed long before you and will exist after you (unless you start a nuclear war with China or Russia). And the world will miss you as much as we miss the macedonians, romans, the napoleonic empire, the spanish empire, the mongols, etc. Your good deeds will be appreciated and your crimes remembered.
Try to left behind a better heritage to the mankind instead of continuous invasions to weaker countries in order to control their natural resources. Try it. I've met lots of US citizens and I know that most of you are good people. I still believe in you, IMO Lars as well, believe it or not.



What is it with Americans, they sure as hell like to dish it out but they don't seem to be able to take it.


I'l bet you can find 300 million people outside of USA that knows more about the country than it's own 300 million inhabitans.


Humankind cannot bear very much reality
