Amusing Pedaphile Fantasy

Father-and-daughter summer of love flick had us howling in the aisles because of the incest subtext that permeates this cute little film, especially the dramatic scene between the daughter (who may have lost her virginity that night on a date) and the father (whose drunken sexual advances were cut off by his semi-girlfriend). Kudos to the writers of this sneaky sideline.


Seek help.


i was thinking along the same, well almost the same lines. that scene where he is piss drunk and she comes home, or the scene where she jumps off the boat, he dives in, she gets back on the boat dripping wet, etc etc. i thought, gee, how can they put this stuff on tv.


pedophilia is primary or exclusive sexual interest in prepubescent children. She clearly was post pubescent. However I did get the same feel from the film during the scene discussed and other scenes including the teaching how to float sceen.

I dont believe it was the intention of the film makers but i do see how some would think it was.
