MovieChat Forums > Unleashed (2005) Discussion > too many mistakes but otherwise good

too many mistakes but otherwise good

I just got round too seeing Unleashed/Danny the Dog. Few things bothered me though

1) as discussed in other threads...Set in Glasgow with not one Glaswegian, their are no cockney gangsters in Glasgow either.

2) The best supermarket in Glasgow is a Spar? Spars are cheap convienience stores for basic foods. Also on another point the groceries were put in brown bags as per every American movie scene. In britain we carry our groceries in plastic bags from the checkout (Spar have there own carrier bags)

3) Morgan Freemans character states he lost his eyesight and the mother was killed when she was 7. How could a newly blind man possibly bring up a 7 year old girl and why would they do so in a foreign country- and if they had lived in Glasgow for that long then surely she would have lost her American accent and possibly picked up a hint of scottish


It's more nit picking than true errors.

The Glasgow issue comes up all the time and it just isn't that big of a deal. Movies are scripted in one place and done in a similar one all the time. Someone on this board even turned off the movie because of it. Really, over accents? It sounds more like a ridiculously over active national identity hang up.

And why can't a blind man raise a child? By that age a child can be functional in adult ways with direction. Their past history was only briefly touched on so social help isn't out the question either. And I don't remember it be said she was raised in country that long, or enough to alter their speech that much. They'd moved from New York strictly for music school.



1. In the trivia section, it says that the bad guy played by Bob Hoskins was originally supposed to be Billy Connolly, which was why it was set in Glasgow, so they wouldn't need to explain a Scotsman in London, which is an unquestionably ridiculous premise. A Scotsman? In London? How? But then Bob Hoskins joined when BC couldn't do it, and they didn't change the location. IMO, keeping Connolly would make it even weirder, though. Okay, we're in Glasgow, and only ONE GUY has a Scottish accent? But like the other reply said, accents are weird in movies. How many big budget movies have American actors doing generic British accents for literally anywhere in Europe? "I say, old chap, let's give those Allied Forces a good flogging!"

2. Can't comment on this. I'm American, and I can't imagine not using paper bags, especially for heavy items or if you have a distance to walk. I do reuse though, and paper bags make great textbook protectors.

3. I didn't get the impression that they'd lived there for a long time; they said it was just for school, which could be high school. Also, it's possible the newly blind man might want a change of scenery (no mean jokes about how could he tell if the scenery changed, he's blind) if he just lost his wife and went through such an tragic upheaval. Plus, Scotland has socialized medicine, right? I'd want that if I was blind or had lots of medical expenses from a car crash. It's possible the girl would have lost her accent, except she doesn't seem to socialize much. If she only spends time with Morgan Freeman, she's not as likely to lose her accent.


You call those too many mistakes? Really?! Movies must suck from your perspective.
Seriously dude.
1. No cocky gangsters in an area? It's a film, make believe. Just pretend there are.
2. Some supermarkets, even cheap ones, might be known for having a good supplier for fresh produce. And the kinds of bags, that's kind of a stupid thing. I guarantee there has to be at least ONE place with paper bags. And anyways, does the kind of bag the character is using diminish your confidence in the movies reality so much that it stands out to a point to post a thread about it? I wouldn't remember something like that because it's a movie. Were you taking notes the entire time?
3. Just because they died when she was 7 doesn't mean they moved when she was. You'd be surprised how blind people can function, including child raising.

With that said, lighten the hell up. It's a movie. Enjoy it. Get lost in make believe and ignore the kinds of bags used at stores.


Let me address your points:

1) Who cares?

2) Who cares?

3) Who cares?

P.S. What do you think? Someone becomes blind and CPS takes their kids away from them? Millions of blind people raise children.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Just don't see why they would set it in glasgow and not cast anyone scottish.
