The mother was weird too...

Everyone is defending the mother. I agree she is the least creepy of them all, but she came off strange too.

Like when she acted like having child porn magazines was no big deal. She said something to the effect of "He wasn't acting on it. He was probably just using them to meditate or something."

I'm sorry, what?! MEDITATE? She was in deep denial at the very least. This whole family is sick.


When you find out you married a pedophile - going into denial is probably not an uncommon way to respond to it. She probably didn't know and when it came out - she realized she spent a good portion of her life married to a monster - a monster who she had children with who he affected as well as numerous other children. How do you not go into denial? At least until it sinks in. I think many of the family members were in denial. I think and hope she came to the realization of the actual facts of the situation.

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This is just my theory. But I think the sons animosity toward their mother is an internalized anger at being victimized by their father. They blame her for letting it happening. How much of that feeling is true, I don't know.

Their defense of their father is all they have left after the fact. She didn't defend them before it, so she should just stay quiet after it. That's how I interpret their actions toward her.

Like I said. Just my idea.


That's an interesting take on it, and totally makes sense. My theory's a bit darker; I got the feeling that the sons' attitude towards their mother was one of jealousy. The way they spoke about their dad not wanting her, about her lack of sexuality, about her disloyalty. . .kinda sounds like girls speaking against the "other woman."
