MovieChat Forums > Camp (2003) Discussion > Jill was fat, not Ellen!

Jill was fat, not Ellen!

The scene where Jill (Alanna Alan) was making fun of Ellen for being fat, she needed to take a look in the mirror. This enraged me! She had a pretty large gut and as far as I can remember Ellen was defintely not heavy enough to be made fun of for her weight. I know it sounds mean, but I defintely didn't think it was Jill's place to comment on that. I didn't even find her all that attractive either.

And Vlad. That name made me think of a vampire the whole movie...a la Vlad the Impaler. Then it was funny, because he was kind of a sexual vampire, ha.



I think this a bit harsh and unfair considering that Jill (Alana Allen) was only about 15 years old. and was only delivering scripted lines. You are acting as though she IS this girl in real life actually saying thsese things. It was not her fault that the director wanted her just like she was discovered as a REAL 15 yr. old could deliver that attitude to make the character Work. That just shows she perfect for the part and these kids were all 1st time actors. Alana,especially and Fritzi are Incredible performers. I saw more recent pics of Alana and she is super HOT now and very pretty. I thinks she ws very cute in Camp, but a late bloomer and now a young woman has become gorgeous. From her bio on her imdb page she sounds like a very sweet, humble girl struggling to get a break from a humble and moodest background. I think all these kids were great and actually blow away most all of the American Idols by a mile!
Hope to see at least one or 2 of them,hopefully Alana and Anna turn up on American Idol and show them how it is Suppose to be done!
Either would easily blow Katharine McPhee(very boring and only moderately talented) off the map with little to no effort. Alana Allen, now 4 years later with the gorgeous girl with the Total Package from the mid-west stuggling to get her big break would be the Perfect American Idol story!
What would really be cool is to see Alana and Anna duel it out in real life 4 years after filming Camp with both allowed to do their Thang and use their full ability to shine and see how it plays out!
Now that would be the ultimate entertainment!


Yeah, you're a little too excited about this. Maybe you should start a fan club. Plus, this has absolutely nothing to do with American Idol.

And yeah, she was chubby. Period. I think her face just looks weird, I think it might be her nose or her chin, I can't put my finger on it. Yeah, she's a great singer and an ok actor, but if she's been shopping a demo since early 2005, things are looking slim. I mean, good luck to her, but I don't really see things happening.



None of them could ever do Idol. You can't have performed professionally at the level they have (especially because they all have SAG cards as well) and be allowed in the competition - it's for amateurs. They've all been on an album already.

They *could* all go on scary *put country here*'s got talent, but not Idol.

Being happy is like peeing yourself, everyone sees it - but only you feel the warmth!


You all do realize this was a movie? With a script...


Ironically though, most showchoir girls in real life tend to be a lil chubby so that aspect they got right.

Late night jengajam! Social graces! Late night jengajam! Settin' up shop!


Joanna Chilcote explained in the bonus fetures on the DVD that part of the premise of the movie was that she (Ellen) was not too pretty and heavy. Obviously, another part of the premise was that Jill was the snotty hottie, portrayed by Alana Allen, who, while very pretty, happened to be a bit chunky herself. The actors didn't match the script perfectly, so what.


neither of them are fat, both just have a little bit more to love. the problem isn't that one is fatter then the other, the problem is that they are both the side so the insult is just stupid. i would never call either girl fat!


Well said! It was a ridiculous and rude comment for Jill to make, period.

"First you ask if you can be red, knowing that I'm always red."
