
She was so hot and sang so amazing! I don't understand why any straight guys wouldn't like her in the movie.

Here's where I stand, Here's who I am!


i loved Dee especially at the end when she kicked ass on the song.


whenever she sang, she gave me chills (in the good way)


OKay, I don't understand why the *beep* up Dee's character so badly.

She was the one who sang the solo for How Shall I See You Through My Tears right? And the person who runs up to Ellen in the beginning. And doesn't Ellen say something like "Aren't you like 30?"

How do they let her have something like that, SO AMAZING, and then have her have sex with Chris, kiss Vlad and then GET JEALOUS. How degrading.

Watching her sing How Shall i See You was SO AMAZING, like angelic amazing and I seriously thought she was going to play this great silent superior role through the rest of the movie. So disappointing. They were the same people right? I'm hoping to find out that they were two different people.



Dee (Sasha Allen) sang 'How Shall I See You," in the opening credits and is the one that Vlad visits in her room when Ellen comes in after Vlad finds out that Dee and Michael had been, um, busy.

Jenna (Tiffany Taylor) is the one with the jaw wired shut that could hardly speak. They cut her wires so she could sing, "Here's Who I Am."

Two totally different actresses and not really that hard to tell apart....

Being happy is like peeing yourself, everyone sees it - but only you feel the warmth!
