I hate Vlad

Was it just me, or was Vlad a completely irritating insincere a*shole? I hated him with a fiery passion and I was really mad that he and Ellen got together at the end. I watched this movie with the rest of Project 10 east and we were all screaming insults at the screen.
Did anyone else feel this way?


I was wild about Vlad. His admission that he was an attention junky put a new spin on the psychological condition. His gesture of apology towards Michael made Vlad a very noble character.


I was EXACTLY the same. Everyone I went to see the movie with agree and we all stormed out of the theatre before the end credits we were that annoyed.


I HATE HIM SO MUCH! Did you anyone not see, how he was written (I'm talking about the homoeroticism) between mike and he. "Maybe I'm a little confused." mike: "You're not confused, you like girls" vlad: "OK, you're right". As he leaps on to mikes torso! Oh please!


Seriously, I was like if your straight, why are you sitting on his chest flirting with him? He was such an annoying bastard, he played everyone, I was totally mad that Ellen and him got together, it would have been better if he was alone, and everyone just felt stupid for even liking him in the first place.


I thought it would have been good if Vlad was really gay and he was with Michael in the end. That would have been interesting. Or someone for Micheal, he ddin't have any closure or love. He was my favorite one and he deserved more.


Daniel did amazing as Vlad. IF he makes everyone mad then i guess that means he presented his character well. This movie was phenominal and i liked it alot. But Vlad wanted to be evryones golden boy that it annoyed me. He wanted everyone for him. It was all about him. And i was sooooooooooooo jealous of Daniel. he had the body, the eyes, the look. So i guess thats another reason some of us probably didnt like VLad. Cuz he seemed so perfect like Mike had said.


I would have to say the Vlad is further from perfect than Stalin, and he killed millions of people. VLAD IS A LOSER. Who in their right mind would want to be him. BOO VLAD!!! BOO THIS MAN!!!


I didn't like the character of Vlad, and I felt that even though he did have an attention seeking problem, he was still incredibly insincere, not worrying about other people's emotions. The actor played him very well though, and I guess he was suppose to come off as a confused player type with problems.
Another thing that annoyed me was that he seemed more gay than straight, and I thought his wild antics with all the girls was just a cover for the insecurities he held about his gayness. Call me crazy but I felt he had more on screen chemistry with Mike than with any of the other girls.

Still I really enjoyed this movie :D


I could not believe that Ellen forgave him in the end. I liked him in the begining and meddle of the movie but he was such a bastard. He just wanted every on to like him so he was who ever they wanted them to be. AND he had4 girls at one time for god sakes. How did michele and ellen forgive him i would b*tch slap him if i was either of them.

On a child's Superman costume:
Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly.


i agree with you he was more gay than straight he was just using girls as a cover up because he didnt want everyone to know he was gay because it would ruin his so called perfect world. when he was sitting with guy in the on the steps and freckle kid was telling him about his life and about being openly gay it really affected michael because he probably thinking about coming out of the closet but when freckle kid told him about the horrors of being gay he decided against it. i think that his girlfriend broke up with him because she knew he was gay and couldnt pretend anymore or maybe it was the other way around that he broke up with her because he was gay. but to me it was so obvious that he was gay i wish that there was a sequel to this movie it is great


What is Project 10 east and why should I care? Are you naught but a theater nerd? I bite mine thumb at Project 10 east - everyone knows that Project 10 west is the better project.


P.S. What is a shole?


I don't hate him, since I think he is really hot, but I think it was pretty bad when he screwed around with 3 different girls, and he has a girlfriend, and by the lake at the end, that was kind of gross, when he said he flirts with everyone. And when he was skateboarding, then wipes his face with his shirt, I so don't think that was his body, because he had the V bone, REALLY showing, and in other shots you don't really see it. I hate V bones, only when there really deep +0(


A shole is what we wear when we pray. For several generations, going back almost five thousand years, the men in my family have worn sholes at prayer. But more important, why didn't you mention Project 10 South, the workshop that gave birth to Zack Zimmer, the hillbilly bongo beater, and Zoyshia Perlmutter, the female Reba McIntire? I'm appalled at what some people find important.


I read that daniel had to "study" or "learn" again how to act like a sixteen year old guy for the movie coz seing he was 24?? when they filmed the movie..

Like, OMG!!!


I hated Vlad, too. . .until his real-life counterpart came to work at my store. . .wherever this Letterle actor is, I hope he'll know he got it down COLD.

A bit of trivia for ya, too. . .the name Vlad was one of the names for Count Dracula. . .and, in a way, Camp's Vlad WAS a blood-sucker. . . .

"I'll get you, my pretty; and your little dog, too! HAA! HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA-HAA!!!!



I guess Vlad didn't do too many good things here, but I don't think that he meant to play or hurt anyone here. I believe in his statement that he was just trying to give everyone what they wanted and to make them happy. He was even willing to give Michael what he wanted, even just for once in his life, something he may never get, from this point of view, isn't Vlad some kind of hero?



Hero? No. Narcissist, more likely. He has nothing to offer from himself, only reflects back what he thinks others want -- classic narcissistic symptoms, especially for his chronological age. Give him a few years, once he has some self he'll be playing specific people for specific things -- right now he's collecting data on what's going to work for him. Not that he necessarily knows that, but still... I've known fellas like him a 100 times over, their theme song is 'I Never Meant To Hurt You'. Ha!


Why do you claim that he has nothing to offer? Even Ellen said that he had "something really there", "something substantial" and that he deserved something substantial in return. Gee, you sound like he is already genetically determined to play the role you assumed, but why is that? Just because you have know "fellas" that are players doesn't mean that anyone with the slightest indication or resemblance has to fall into that category. Also, just because sometimes he seems naive and innocent doesn't mean that he has "classic narcissistic symptoms". According to your own testimony with regard to “his chronological age”, it is understandable that he lacks considerate consideration when it comes to other people's emotion, but that doesn't mean he is trying to manipulate others in a malicious way. His main intention is to bring happiness to this world, which can be felt from the way he sings the song "Hey, do you want to come out and play the game. It’s never too late". The net result may not be perfect, but it's the attitude that counts.


To be a player is to intentionally deceive someone, Vlad is not to that stage yet. Key word being yet. Right now he is formless and aimless until he has an audience, so far of one, to play to -- he is a quick study of what he needs to do to turn that person into a fan/friend and his dependence on external sources for such direction are problematic. Not sure where you get that his main intention is to bring happines to the WORLD, his intention is to create a temporary dependence on him from the people he is 'pleasing' until the effect of that wears off and he's off to the next. His intent is not meanness, but it is to make him their favorite person which indicates a lack of stability within himself and a lack of identity. You're right about his chronological age factoring in, which is why he is not acting out of meanness -- yet. He is still a very selfish character, despite however charming and gorgeous he may be.


No, wanting to be liked doesn't indicate a lack stability or identity. Does it sound logical to you? I want to be liked just because I am insecure? In that case people who feel secure don't want to be liked?

"until the effect of that wears off and he's off to the next"--where does this come from? That is not true. He didn't wait until the effect to wear off before he starts another one. He was with Ellen when he was his girlfriend. He kissed Dee in part because he wanted to convince Dee that he straight, but more importantly, he felt that Dee really wanted him. The same is true for Michael.

If you are so eager to prove that he is inclined to develop into some player in the near future, you should at least provide evidence that he is the initiator, he is the one who has intention to manipulate, to control other people. As far as I can tell, he is not the one who started anything: Ellen flirted with him first and asked him to put his arm around her shoulder; Jill basically seduced him to sleep with her. So did Dee, who incited him to kiss her by threatening his reputation. Similar for Michael, telling Vlad that he slept with Dee for him and that had caused great harm, implying that Vlad should do something to make it up for him.

I just don't understand why you call a loving, caring, inspiring character a selfish narcissist.


>>>I just don't understand why you call a loving, caring, inspiring character a selfish narcissist. <<<

And I just don't understand why you are unable to see that he is NONE of those things.


I don't think either Vlad nor Michael thought he was going to go further with anything when he flashed Michael and eventually sat on Michael's chest. I think they both knew these were just friendly gestures to let Michael know how closer he felt to him. And as for Michael never getting what he wants out of life, I think at this stage of the film, Michael is shown to realize that he is OK, and he will get what he wants

The way the character Vlad is written, he not only craves attention, he really needs everyone to like him.

For those who don't really hate 'Vlad'aka Daniel Letterle, see how he compares to Ethan Green in The Mostly Unfabulous Life of Ethan Green, in which his part is much more age-appropriate to the actor.


Of course she was gonna forgive him at the end like she was gonna get someone better looking or something.

City Planners Do It With Planning


Vlad is a great character, there are many guys out there like him who are Bisexual/Gay. He wanted to mess with Michael. He was a tease. Then again, he could be confused or Bisexual. He may not have gone all the way with Michael because he was not ready to go into the Gay side.


i agree Vlad is a great character. was it wrong of him to want his freinds to be happy?


Vlad was a bit of a *beep* True enough.

But Ellen was an idiot. Like Emma Kennedy without the humour or charm.

This movie was populated by tw*ts. 'Nuff said.


I thought the fact he turned out not to be as squeaky clean as he first appeared, made him a more well-rounded and convincing character.
It even made him more loveable in a way!


people, people, it is just a movie. it's not like their going to go back and remake the movie cuz people didn't like it. I happened to think it was an incredible movie.

