DVD Format

Does anyone know if this DVD is available in widescreen format? I rented it, but they only had full screen.


I'd like to know this, too. I've only ever seen it for sale in Full Screen format.

Can someone please help?


Given the nature of the archival footage, and the way the interview subjects are framed, I would say this film was shot in full screen. In any case, would it really matter? At worst, you might miss the coffee cup sitting next to Sean Penn or something. In these sort of dialogue driven, stationary camera docos, as long as you can see the interviewee's faces, you're not gonna miss much anyway.



Widescreen format is a tool and having it dos not mean that film is good.
It should be used as needed and not as some sort of badge of high art....
Just look at all the bad letterboxing that's so popular on TV these days...

