It surprised me!

This movie completely shocked me! I only saw the last fortyfive minutes and it was described as a comedy on my tv's info box so I thought I was in for a giggle and I think Ryan Reynolds is hilarious, I was in complete shock when I found out he had cancer adn spent the rest of the film blubbing like a baby. Did this film have a similar effect on anyone else?



I was deeply touched by this movie. I can't begin to understand how it might feel to find out a teacher that you really liked just suddenly passed away. At the beginning this movie was very funny, until that scene in the hospital where Matt found out that "MR.D" had incureable lung cancer. I knew all along though from hints "MR.D" was giving out. I just finshed watching that movie and feel really depressed because i hate it when something like this happens in a movie. I watched a familer foreign indian movie called "Kal Ho Na Hoe" a while ago, and these two story lines kinda realte. I have learned one main thing from this movie: 'live every day to your fullest, because you can never be sure if tomorrow will come". Even though this movie was fiction, there are maybe several thousands of people going through this. We must find a cure for cancer ! LOL I feel so sad right now, i might just watch Ryan Renyolds other movie "National Lampoons-Van Wilder"


We actually did have a teacher pass away because of leukemia and I know another teacher with breast cancer.
I loved this movie. I originally watched it because it was about teachers and the ending took me by surprise.



Our teacher that passed away was 48. It affected the whole school. He had M.S. and we all thought that that was why he had been missing school.
The teacher who has or had breast cancer is 58, I don't know how she's doing though because her husband won't tell me anything, I was his student and he's retired so we keep in touch with email even though it takes him forever to respond.


I was dissapointed when i didnt get to see this one on tv, especially since i know the actress of chase witherspoon. I've heard tis good though, and I look forward to seeing it.


in my last year of high school i got a new english teacher (usually you keep the same teacher from year 11 into year 12 but a lot of our teachers left) she was a weightlifter believe it or not. her goal was to make it to the next commonwealth games, i'm not sure if she achieved that or not. she had also previously taught in schools that took in the trouble students so she did a lot for people. what was shocking to find out though was that she had previously had a brain tumour, she got better from that but sometime during the year she relapsed, she finished out the year so i'm not sure what happened in the end but it was kind of difficult having a teacher with serious medical problems not only because of the importance of the final year of high school (would have been difficult if something happened to her and we yet again had to get a new teacher last minute) but for the fact that you had a feeling that anything could happen to her at anytime and you wouldn't know what to do. we also had a couple of teachers who had nervous breakdowns the year before. and in the prep school there were something like 4 teachers in 5 years to get cancer so it was thought that there was the possiblity that it could have been caused by something on campus which was a very scary prospect for students and their families as well as staff.


I was surprised. I saw this film in the middle of the day when I was at home recovering from back surgery. I figured it'd be some half-arsed time passing comedy, so I watched it not expecting much. I was shocked at how deep the film went. It was a simple plot and all, but I didn't expect the outcome. Pretty good film for the standards of its type.


And if you ain't down with that, I got two words for reet.


I feel like torturing the director and producers for wasting 100 minutes of my life. What a load of tripe.


SonOfEvermore your a load of TRIPE ! If you didn't like it, big deal !



great.. spoiler alert lol

Wham-Bam, Thank you mam.


This movie was surpising, it was on after children of men on the movie channel and i just kept on watching. Defenitly worth it.kinda rmeinded me of about a boy.
