Why does he get mad?

Why does Mr. D get mad while writting the dictators on the board. At first, I taught it was really just an example of what dictators are all about. But he paused for a while after the bell.


Because he had just left Matt Warner's classroom where they were learning about lung function. He had lung cancer.


Thanks for pointing that out, didn't realize it myself. I rely too much on these boards.


I didn't get that the first time I watched it, either. But I liked what he did for
Chase and Dylan then... it was sweet.

Jess: May I speak?
Luke: If you must.
Jess: Would you like me to have you committed, or would you prefer to check yourself in?


i caught that he was sick rite away with how many times he was saying how much time do we have and they answer with not alot of time than with that lung i new he had lung cancer

"Hair of the dog, bro. Want some?" "Yea, no thanks I had a 6-pack for breakfast."


The reason why Mr. D got mad was because... You know how Mr. D went to the sci room to borrow a chalk? And he saw that, that class was learning about the lung?
Well that's were he had the cancer. His lung.
And you could tell that Mr. D 'gulped' and was shocked that he saw the lung. Cause it would make him start remembering that he is going to die from the cancer he's got in his lung.
After he got the chalk he went back to his class.
He came back in a rage had all these thoughts going threw his head and the class was too noisy it was all getting to the top of his head so he, so he had to scream and throw his chalk away in a rage.
Seriously myself I would start thinking negitive, angry, sad if I saw that too and if i had the same problem. You know your going to die, the there's no how how to get rid of the cancer he's got. I wouldn't like to be reminded by anything that I have cancer during time when you need to be happy. Don't worry I'm not saying that i have cancer. I'm giving an example. Hope this helps.
I LOVE Mr. D'Angelo SO MUCH!


When watching it today I realised there was more to it than just him seeing the lung and getting mad. It seems as though he was always going to demonstrate 'dictatorship' by yelling unexpectedly, but because of his actions before and after it, it didn't have the same effect. Thus, seeing the lung had an effect on his performance.

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


Ryan Reynolds is such a good actor in this film that you knew or at leasdt I did right away that he had lung cancer cause for the first time in the movie you see a different facial expression when he sees the lung and then the tirade thagt follows I put 2 and 2 together and if he was really just giving the class an example of dictatorship he would not have asked his class\ so solemely what he was getting at with the tirade he would not have sounded so depressed he would have said it with his usual bright anmd chipper attitude. Anyway I didn't peice together the parts when he kept saying how much time do we got until after the tirade scene andc then I knew right away from that scene that he was going to die. This was a great performance from both PAyme rand Reynolds such a different role for Reynolds and he nailed it.



He gets mad because he just walked into Mr. Warner's class where he was doing that lung experiment, and he was dying of lung cancer so it made him upset/angry.



yeah he dies. or well its implied that he does.

I also didnt catch this the first time, I did catch on to the not enough time. but not when he got mad. just went over my head for some reason.

One day i'll have something cool posted here....


> does Mr. D die?

Watch the photo that is snapped of the winning team at the end. Mr D. fades aways a second before the rest of the image.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
