Mars = Jesus?

Was anyone reminded of Jesus and the Virgin Mary as Mars was dying? He has this eye contact moment with Jennifer who looks like Mary with that towel over her head, and he has the long Jesus hair and is fatally wounded. Was something being said here?


No, you need help


With the towel over her head it reminded me of that too! Mars could have killed them but he didn't. Perhaps to show that there is a little good in that twisted mind of his? I don't think the movie is that deep though probably a coincidence.


I think in some twisted way, Mars thought he loved Jennifer. He knew he was dying from his wounds and was picturing her as his beloved watching him die.

Who truly knows what a psycho-sociopath is thinking in a fit of rage like that? He was on adrenaline, THC, and whatever his brain cooked up on its own, so he probably saw himself as this martyr, dying for his love.

Or maybe he just at realized she didn't love him back, was sad about that, and dying simultaneously. The world may never know...


Yes, she was clearly meant to look like Mary. I think as some of the others that he just realizes there's no point and allows himself to die rather than trying to kill her. He's not 'jesus', he's just reacting to her innocence.
