MovieChat Forums > Hostage (2005) Discussion > Hostage or Panic Room

Hostage or Panic Room

I have to go with Panic Room.


I'll bet Trespass will be right up there with those two, i mean, come on, nic cage is at his best when playing a cornered character, and he definitely looks cornered in this movie. Watch the trailer and tell me that doesn't look like it's of similar caliber to Hostage or Panic room:


I forgot about Trespass. I agree Trespass is similar and a good movie


Hostage is better!!!

"Peace and love"


Panic Room, but Hostage is a pretty good thriller.


All 3 are good movies. I think Tresspass is underrated.
I love Hostage because I think Ben Foster is AMAZING in it. I had only seen him in "Get Over It," a goofy comedy, and was very surprised to see how dark and twisted he can "be." The Mars character made this movie, and every time I watch it, the scene where he's chasing the kids through the ductwork, he scares the bejesus out of me.
Rumer Willis should stay out of Daddy's movies. She was awful.


I like both, but i choose Panic Room.

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.
