MovieChat Forums > Hostage (2005) Discussion > Soiler alert -Meanings behind a few thin...

Soiler alert -Meanings behind a few things

Here is my thoughts on the reasoning of the "Heaven can Wait" choice for the DVD title used to house this pivotal DVD case, why watches are shown, and a number of little odd items pop up in the movie.

I believe these are the little items planted into the movie subliminally telling us that Jeff Talley dies after completing his mission. There are many through the movie. The final clues suggesting he dies are right at the end. Terribly wounded, he presses on to get his family. After the showdown with the bad guys, Water Smith had every chance to kill him as there were dead bodies with guns strewn about. Talley was only concerned with his family, shielding their eyes. But Smith could see Talley was dieing.

When they get in the ambulance, note that they drive over the bridge and the very second the ambulance makes it to land on the other side (crossing over) the film appears to freeze (or has the ambulance simply stopped? The camera continues to move), turns black and white (lifeless), but the sky is red, directing your attention skyward.


People like you keep me coming back to IMBd. I completely missed that in the movie. I was thinking 'why were the bad guys showing off their expensive watches? Surely they could be used to identify the wearers.'

But yeah that was an excellent observation and thanks for sharing it i will see this film in an new (and better more meaningful light now)

Haley Joel Osment, Jimmy Bennett and Nathan Gamble. Truly brilliant actors


I noticed te amulance thing at the end of the bridge too.

I guess that explains why we do not se Walter when they get in to the ambulance


First of all, we DO see Walter when they are getting into the ambulance. But he is only in the scene for an instant. He is walking to the driver's side of the vehicle as they come out of the house, on the extreme left side of the screen, while Talley and his kids are in the lower center part of the screen.

Second, why would Walter Smith kill Talley? Talley is the one who gave Walter the gun with which to kill the first bad guy inside (as they were driving there, Talley loaded two guns and put them both down. Clearly Walter took one of them with Talley's approval.) They were working together at that point.


I don't mean to be rude but the OP is completely wrong. Sometimes a final frozen frame/fadeout is just a final frozen frame/fadeout. Talley lives, as does his family.

So does Walter Smith, and his family. The good guy wins. And furthermore, "Heaven Can Wait" is all about the good guy NOT having to die and go to his final destination.



I thought a soiler alert meant there was a scene upcoming which would make you sh!t yourself.....


I thought a soiler alert meant there was a scene upcoming which would make you sh!t yourself.....

LOL! This thread is hilarious.

So are the OP's theories.

Both the Talley and Smith families survive intact and you do see Walter climb into the ambulance.


ROFL @ Soiler alert!

Into every life a little coffee must spill.


I know this post is almost 7 years old, but dude, you're really reading too much into the ending.

Re-watch the last 10 minutes, it's explained very clearly. Smith didn't shoot Talley because he's not part of the criminal organization, he's just a guy who launders money for them and keeps sensitive information stored on a disc. It was very clear that the way the movie ends was a plan conceived by Talley; Smith kills the leader and Talley kills the rest. At the very end, him and Talley glance at each other as way of saying thank you for saving each other's families.

This isn't one of those 'intelligent' films that makes you think and has an ambiguous ending. It's just an action movie. Talley, his family, and Smith and his kids, all live.
