Similar Movies

I feel like watching something similar to this, to Panic Room, Inside Man, etc. Something where the main plot is being held hostage/holding someone hostage.

Not so much looking for movies where they just tear the people apart/pick them off one by one like Saw and other hostage-gore movies, but you can include them if you like.



Phone Booth is about one person held hostage in a ..... wait for it .... phone booth!

It's quite good.


Ransom (1996)

The Negotiator (1998) - Samuel L. Jackson / Kevin Spacey

Most things just need time...


Trespass which was a bit of a flop, but I didn't mind it. It had some similarities to this film.


Some similar movies you may like are Firewall, The Call, Red Eye and Disturbia


"The call" is very similar to this..


OMG, so sorry for bringing this thread to the top; but, the Inside Man (2006), ROTFLMAO; if you haven't seen it, just WAIT until you (will!) waste 129 min of your life watching that... My problem, of Clive Owen being the biggest sap on planet Earth doesn't even have anything to do with it. Laugh, or cry; 99% it's gonna be one, or the other. ;) :)


Ransom:........ stars Mel Gibson, one of my favourite movies. Several good switches to the story keeps you guessing throughout.
