MovieChat Forums > Azumanga daiô (2002) Discussion > whos your favorite character?

whos your favorite character?

this is by far one of the best series ive seen...and best mangas ive read...

id say tomo takino is my fave character...I love the way shes introduced in the first episode...wildcat highschool girl! then crashes after a pole say Osaka is a close second...I felt a connection to her...I could never stay awake in class either heheh...and shes prolly the funniest part of the series...although tomo running down the hall in the cat suit to scare yomi was hilarious...

I have all the manga and I actually stayed up the night I got them cuz I couldnt put them down...I recommend them to any fan of the anime...and I have four volumes of it on dvd...I became a fan too late to get the fan i gotta wait for the final two dvds...blah...oh well...its definitely worth the wait ...

-go scarlet and gray!-


Osaka..... definitely Osaka. That girl's too spaced out to not be able to laugh at.....


I agree, Osaka is my favorite, followed by Sakaki, and then, of all people, Yukari. :)


Ôsaka rules.

Then, Kimura is a good second. :)


yeah, Osaka is the funniest with out a doubt!!


Sakakisan. I guess I just identify with her. I also like her theme music, or at least the music they alwyas play in the background when she's walking by herself.



When I first watched it, I'd say it was Tomo, but over time I've really come to love Osaka.

Nyamo comes close too, because it's fun to watch a relatively "normal" person reacting to the crazyness around them.


Kamineko, the cat that always bites Sakaki. Out of the human characters, Yukari.


I like Tomo too because she says the stupidest things without ever realising it! Like, standing in front of the station doing that peace sign thing talking to herself out loud, and embarrassing everyone else, and talking about some kind of "series". Next I like Chiyo-chan becuse she's just so adorable and smart and cute and how she's so perfect! Ha ha. the Yukari-mobile was funny. And I like the scary stories, or the "dirty stories" as Tomo tried to change it to. I like this whole thing. oh one more thing, even though I just drifted off to my favorite parts, my absolute favorite one is when Yukari got drunk. That was so funny! It was the third or fourth episode.

Tomo: Oh no! Yukari's here already? I'm so totaly late! Holy friggin' crap!
-ha ha! I love that line!


Sakaki's my fav.
then kagura, chiyo, osaka, tomo and yomi.

sakaki's cool as the "gentle giant" ^^
Kagura acts all tough, but she got a soft side too. like when she walked chiyo chan to the store, got really guilty after knocking down the tent, and crying when Yukari gave her some advice. ^^

Chiyo- 2 words: cccuuuttteee (the penguin the penguin!) and adorable

osaka- spacyness XD

Tomo-annoying but cool in her own way. comic relief.

yomi-cynical/weight worrying lady. O.o

but over all of them is.... MAYA! XD merrrr


I have a bunch of favorites all for different reasons.

Chiyo-chan... for the same reason everyone else does... she's so impossibly cute!

Osaka... clueless as ever, and in the dub, nice southern accent.

But mostly, Kaorin... I love the fact that she's all into Sakaki "that way."

It's great.


Chiyo-chan, I just love her blue penguin costume, and I liked her in the dream that Kaorin had. Sakaki is also my favorite, woe is her, couldn't even get close to cats until she gets lucky with Chiyo's housepets, I also liked her dream thinking that, that 'thing' is Chiyo's father. And Yukari, crazy diver, huh?


I think that Osaka is the funniest character. I love how she is always dreaming about Chiyo-chan's pig tails. She is absolutely my favorite character. Then comes Sakaki. I think I like her because she is so kind and once she opens up she is a very fun person to be around! Who's everybody's least favorite character. For me it would have to be MR. Kimura. He is very freaky.


osaka i've come 2 love her...especaily since everyone says i act like her...i am sorta space tho....

I hate lawyers, I hate court. They all need to dry up and die
~Warrick Brown


Osaka... clueless as ever, and in the dub, nice southern accent.

ya... that accent is so funny. what's the name of the other tall girl w/ the glasses? she doesn't have a distinctive characteristic like the others(or maybe i haven't watched enough episodes). the teacher is also funny, with her "whatever i don't give a crap" attitude. The latest episode i watched was when they started 2nd year, don't they have a summer break or something? i watched the summer special but i think they were freshmen and returned to school still freshmen. And Chiyochan is just too cute, i want to adopt her if there's a real girl like her. Is she accelerated or just short?


she's(chiyo-chan) smart, a "prodigy" as they say it. The taller girl is Yomi and she's supposed to be the only normal-like one of them all. the teacher with that "i don't give a crap" attitude is Yukari, and...i'm new to it too. i only get to see them on demand. i plan on getting them on DVD though. and i don't quite get the show that much...i just know its funny. and i read 1 of the manga's before.

I hate lawyers, I hate court. They all need to dry up and die
~Warrick Brown


Osaka, she just says the most random, stupid things.

"Hey mister, are we a rowdy bunch?"


Osaka, Sakaki and Yukari-sensei. Yukari's attitude to her students should be in every teachers' manual. ;)


Osaka is number one, easy. Damn near everytime she's on screen, I'm giggling, whether she's actually doing anything or just blissfully staring into space. My girlfriend is constantly nudging me when we're watching the show, asking me what I'm laughing at and everytime the answer is "She just cracks me up".

Sakaki is number two, a close second. You just have to love her. She cute, dammit, no matter what she thinks!

Number three is Yukari. She so vicious, but good-natured, and deceptively sweet. Also, more competative than Tomo and Kagura combined.

Also, this is a big contradiction, since they're rather similar, but am I the only one who hates Tomo? I mean, she makes me laugh sometimes, and I gotta give her props on her Lupin obsession, but I really wanted Yomi or Kagura to just put her into I.U. I dunno why I love Yukari and loathe Tomo. 's weird.

Guy: If I were you, I’d leave.
Buddy: If you were me, you’d be good looking.


This is kinda off topic, but in the sports festival episode (particularly the part where Osaka dives face first into that box with the white powder), did anyone else think that Osaka looked like she was sniffing huge quantities of crack when she dove into the box of candy? (apparently, there's supposed to be candy in that box)

