
Is it me, or does anyone else hate the dubbing as well?


I hate it... It's just no where near as funny. The japanese voices for Ms Yukari and Tomochan sound way more crazy and funny. And all the other voices are better and funnier aswell.. especially Osaka


I'm so sick of the purists. The Dubbing was excellent.

Anime is Forever


Heyhey! I'm not abusing the dubbing or anything, all I'm saying is that it loses the whole feeling through it, it's ok dubbing, it just annoys the hell outta me!


Well said! And I agree. Even if Japanese wasn't such an amazing language, I'd still agree!


I'm sick of dubbing, it sucks!


I thought the dubbing was done pretty good, but I love the original about 500 times more.


As dubbing goes, it wasn't too bad. I've seen dub jobs where they re-write half of the dialog, or where they cut and shut two or three episodes together so that they can change the plot too.

With Anime like this, the dubbing basicly exists to appeal to 'regular' anime fans, while the subs are there for people who like the real thing.

At least they put in the original Japanese language track. Until DVDs came out, you used to get sub or dub, but not both.


I sometimes prefer sub over dub because I don't like to hear Japanese voices screaming so frickin' loud.

The dub is okay, there were some monotone voices, and Osaka with the Southern accent... I know that it was supposed to be a stereotype on Osaka people.


just turn the bass up to cancel it out.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


God I literately hate sub. Sometime when you read the sub, you lose senses as to what just happens in the show and then you have to rewind back to get into the missing scenes. Sometime the sub just disappear way to fast like just for 3 secs while there's 2 lines.

And Yes, I *beep* hate Sub fantatic, OK BIG DEAL, most anime is from Japan so they use Japanese voice actors instead but that doesn't mean they can't put it in english too. Just *beep* grow up and get used to new thing.

Also, I really like the DUB in Azumanga.


"most anime is from Japan"

Actually, if it's not from Japan, then it's just an Anime style cartoon.

English Language Anime: Dub it, don't pervert it.


The manga versus the subtitles versus the dubbing: The dialogue is mostly accurate, but I prefer dubbing since it's animated and hard to pay attention to subs.


I love the dubbing in this show. It is just excellent. I also find it much more funny as I can relate to the way the characters say things. It's hard to explain...

Somebody once told me, when they saw the birds, it made them want to go on a journey.


I found the dubding to be better then most but the original Japaanese is always best!


It not your choice as to what the dub should sounds like to you, but it was really meant for the foreign viewers. Some people probably haven't seen Japanese version of Azumanga, and they would have probably thought English voice fit the anime more.

And for all I cares, I could give a craps about what Chiyo-Chan voice would sounds like in english, and I would still watch it because I really hate reading sub.


I prefer listening to the original because of the setting, Japan. For me, its just kinda weird watching the story with English speakers and having a lot of Japanese cultural nuances with it (like, a southern accent to portray a person from Osaka). I understand though if a person prefers just to watch straight English, and that's what this post is all about, the preferences. Its like the movie, Memoirs of a Geisha, trying to have a movie about an aspect of Japanese culture and trying to put English into it, it just takes away from the cutural setting and the cultural feel to it. Also, by watching any film or show in its original language, you get the cultural and social aspects while even learning a few words in a new language.


what's dubbing mean??

"We believe in love power, that's because we LOVE power!"


Dub is to replace the original language (in this case Japanese) with area's language (in this case English). While I don't like dubbing, I find the Azumanga dubbing done decently trying their best to put the Japanese context into English. While I don't find Osaka "Texan" voice exactly fitting, at least show the accent difference.


thanks! i thought it was something like that, but i wasn't sure.

"We believe in love power, that's because we LOVE power!"


The Marauder256 Theory of Anime voiceover quality:


For anime fans, they sure do think they can do better than the original. But every time, it's a train wreck that just shows that their obsession has taken over.



I understand though if a person prefers just to watch straight English, and that's what this post is all about, the preferences. Its like the movie, Memoirs of a Geisha, trying to have a movie about an aspect of Japanese culture and trying to put English into it, it just takes away from the cutural setting and the cultural feel to it. Also, by watching any film or show in its original language, you get the cultural and social aspects while even learning a few words in a new language.

intrestingly enough Steven Spielberg wanted to do Geisha in Japanese with subtitles. But anyway on topic, to me it doesn't seem out of place to listen to it in English. I mean I'm not going to understand the Japanese puns regardless if it's subbed or dubbed. I mean unless it's alterd like say "Ghost Stories" then yeah you lose a lot more. I mean to say a dub loses any culture refrences in an uncut Anime like Azu is usually just a hailmarry thrown out by purists when they've run out of things to say.

Come on, if anything I think dub actors act moreso than their counterparts.

There is nothing you can say or do to convince me, that Jessica Boone didn't do the cutest Chiyo-chan. I have seen it in Japanese absolutley it was good, even though I felt like Chiyo sounded FAR younger in Japanese (Like 5 years old) I know she's a young prodigy but she must be what 8, 9, 10? Somewhere in that range. I mean I don't know what some of you people consider good acting, but if that isn't, then I seriously don't know.

The only dubs I can't stand are 4Kids Dubs. I found Sonic X to be paticullarly Horrendous, but usually ADV/Funimation Dubs are really good.

Viz is usually so-so.

Anime is Forever



I think the preference for how an anime should be done is usually decided by what you are exposed to when you first watch the series (so long as you really loved it when you first watched it). I can't stand the dubs in Azumanga, but I had seen the entire series first in subs first. The converse is also true. Anime I've seen dubbed first won't appeal to me as much when I watch subbed versions.


I started out watching the series dubbed online. But after awhile I hated Osaka's English dubbing. So I switched over. I liked everyone else's voice acting but Osaka's. But I can't say which of the English and Japanese dubbing I prefer more, since they are both pretty good.



I really, REALLY didn't like it. I mean, it's alright... When I first watched the dubbed version, it was alright. But when I heard Osaka's voice, I laughed. Her voice does NOT suit her character. The voice acting is great, but it loses all the feeling the Japanese voice artists do.


It mostly depends, most voices are pretty bad (Example: Osaka), while some are really dubbed well (Examples here: Chiyo-chan, Kimura (Strangely), Yukari, and Minomo.), and so-so (I say Sakaki, I thought she sounded cute in some eps).

In order for to your dreams to become a reality your must first believe in it.


I prefer the original voices in ANYTHING - anime, tv or movies in general. I am happy to live in the country where nothing is dubbed so we get everything in their original voices. Watching a Hong Kong action film with dubbed american sounding voices is horrifying experience. :-) I am used to subtitles, and that is good in every way. Children get used to the in early age, and therefore get better reading and CAN learn language too at the same time. So anser to your question: I hate dubbing in EVERYTHING.


Not everything is bad dubbed, but this maybe one of the worst dubbings I ever heard.


I like to hear how the Japanese sounds in an anime, but usually I'll watch the dub with the translated Japanese subtitles on. The only anime I've ever watched that I saw in Japanese first was Naruto, so naturally, I absolutely loathe the dub(save for, like, 2 voices). With Azumanga, I did notice that a lot of the lines in the dub were word-for-word from the Japanese, with the only major change being that Yukari is a "Language" teacher instead of an English teacher, which kind of annoyed me.

What's all this hate for Osaka's dub voice? I think it's cute, and it plays off of the stereotype that Osakans are thought by Northern Japanese folks to be stupid, much like Southern Americans are thought by Northern Americans to be stupid. Chiyo's voice is good, too, in my opinion. The only voice I didn't really like in the dub was Kaorin, she annoyed me after a few episodes, even though I thought her character was funny.

Also, having grown up with the Ocean Group and FUNimation's dubs of DragonBall Z, I've always liked it when a dub wasn't afraid to curse, as with Excel Saga, Trigun, Midori Days, and Azumanga Daioh. Especially with Midori and Azumanga since they're cute.

-MattsGirl6093, Girlfriend to NinjaMatt3628 since 12 June 2002


I watched a dubbed scene on youtube and decided to never watch it. I prefer the orginal language. The voices fit better, the acting is loads better (I have a hard time finding an anime dub where the characters voices actually sound like normal human beings. Let's face it, while the Japanese actors don't sound quite normal, at least the emotion in their voices sounds much more real.

Not to mention, I've been studing the Japanese language for a few years now, and the character interactions make a whole lot more sense in the original language. There's a lot to the language, most of which just can't be translated, and it reveals a lot about the characters.

Now, not all dubs are bad. I particularly enjoyed the old Tenchi Muyo dubs, and Paranoia Agent was done very, very well. This anime, however, is best watched in Japanese. If you hate reading, well, then watch the dub, but it'll never be as good. If you're not lazy, then watch it subbed, or raw if you're really brave. Once you get used to it, it's not difficult to watch the subtitles and the action at the same time. My family got used to it real fast.


There's a lot to the language, most of which just can't be translated, and it reveals a lot about the characters.
Presumably that is a problem whether you watch the programme subbed or dubbed, I know a lot of the jokes make no sense in English as they are puns... the fan sub I watched first explained them but a joke isn't funny when you have to have it explained.

That said I still watch it subbed, it just seems odd hearing American accents come from obviously Japanese characters. I agree with you about the Paranoia Agent dub, I watched that and enjoyed it.

I'm only going to say this once: stay out of Camberwick Green - Sam Tyler



The dubbing was AWFUL!!

I'm not a huge purist (I think the english dub of Metropolis was much better than the japanese) but AzuDai is horrible in english. The voices are terrible, the jokes weren't translated well, and Osake sounds like a redneck!!
