
Ok when Dodge first takes Oliver on the street there's this cool song playing but i dunno it; also does anyone know where I could find the soundtrack?

I tried it once, my pocket wasn't as tight, although my pants had split... that could be why.


It's called Bad Luck and is by Royal City. It was super hard to find. After alot of effort I finally found a site where you can actually listen to the whole song, it is such a great song...

Here you go!
Scroll down a bit and click play next to "Bad Luck" it's kinda' small.
Let me know if the link doesn't work and I'll try to fix it.

And if anyone can find a site where you can listen to/download the opening song, also by Royal City, please let me know. Thanks!




Hey guys
Royal City's album actually aren't all that hard to find. Decent record shops carry at least their two most recent albums. "Bad Luck" and "Spacey Basement" (both used in "Twist") are on the lovely album "Alone at the Microphone". If you really like the songs, I would recommend checking out their other stuff. It really is quite wonderful. All of it is available on Three Gut Records (the label shut down recently, but I'm sure you can still get stuff from them). Check out

"Remember, there's nothing wrong with the weird..."


You can also find all(I'm pretty sure) of Royal City's their CD's on

I've been looking forever and I finally found them. Also, carries them used... I'm not sure about new.

So far as I know there's not a soundtrack.


iTunes- Alone at the Microphone. Royal City, track 1 and 4.


Thank you, I couldn't find it.


Does anyone know if there is a soundtrack for this dvd,... or any of the songs played throughout the movie,... i like them all.


I have the song that is played at the very beginning when Dodge is walking down the street, as well as many other Royal City songs that are in the film. If anyone is interested in them email me at [email protected]


Can you please tell me what is the name of the song (and who sings it)
that is in the movie. I remeber it was a female who sings and part of the songs goes like this:
Oh my brother my brother where have you gone
left your poor mother sittin by the fire alone
there's gold in that dirt if you find it by dawn
but your old mother's dying by the fire alone
Oh my sister my sister why do you cry
There's a moon in your belly and a heart in the sky
sweep out the kitchen and poor out the rye
with the moon in your belly and the fields crisp and dry
Oh my mother my mother look to your kin
there's fear in their eyes and .....
*i don't remeber the rest*
Please help me find this song as i can't get it out of mind
Thank you.



The name of the song is "Pantaloon In Black" and you can hear it actually twice during the movie; first, it is sung towards the middle of the movie by the actress playing Nancy, Michelle Barbara-Pelletier, and at the end of the movie, when the credits roll, but this time it is sung by another female singer named Oh Susanna. As for finding it, I don't know how, because I love this song too, but I have been unable to find any website where to download or buy it. Hope that with this information, you will have more luck than me. If so, I would be grateful to you for letting me know.


Another song used in Twist, also by Royal City is You Strutted and Fretted Across. That can be found in Royal City's first album, At Rush Hour the Cars. It's really hard to find, but if you have a record player, you can buy the record at maplemusic.

This song is the song at the very beginning of the movie. It's fantastic.
