The Song?


whats the name of the song and who is it by that plays at the end? Its really the song of the movie as it plays quite a few times in it. I think once when they are in the red square. And once at the end and in the credits.

I would love to know! Thanks!


The entire music score was performed and written by The Red Elvises! Check out for more information. The band is awesome seen live!


Thanks for that ;)

I didn't know it was the RE who performed the music.

Do you, by any chance, know the name of the song at the end of the movie? I searched around everywhere on their site but couldn't see a mention of it.

Thanks :)


did you find out what the song is?


I only saw the film recently- I found a used copy for sale on DVD at Blockbuster the other day.

The name of the romantic song being played, while Anthony & Nina walk around Moscow (as well as during the end credits), is "After The Carnival", performed by former Red Elvis Zhenya Rock. An instrumental version is available on the Red Elvises CD, "I Wanna See You Bellydance", available at

The vocal part to this song was only added for the film, and is not known to appear anywhere else. Zhenya's web site is at, you may wanna contact ol' Zee for more info.

-Rick Vaughn, aka "Comrade Rick"
Assistant Editor, The Red Pages
