Holy crap!

How the heck did this piece of junk get 6.7/10 on IMDb!? It's possible some of the worst f---in' garbage I've ever seen. Not only did it rip-off at least a half a dozen other movies ("Terminator", "ET", "Independence Day", "Matrix", I'm also pretty sure I saw a scene "inspired" by "Leon" as well...) but it did it in such B-flick kind of way it's jaw-dropping (the CGI loving crowd is really accepting ANYTHING it seems).
If this film would've been made in America it probably would've starred talent such as Michael Dudikoff or Don 'The Dragon' Wilson. And believe me, it wouldn't have had a rating of 6.7 - more like 2.7!


Dude, You missed the whole point of the movie. It was fun entertainment.
It didn't take itself seriously and you shouldn't have either. Whats not to like? Great action, cool hero, bada$$ villian, cute girl. Yeah, it lifted from a lot of movies but I consider it more a homage to the genre.


It wasn't entertaining it was painful. The action scenes were far too sparse to make it an enjoyable experience, and the plot was too bad and too slow to keep my attention.
