What are the songs in the movie and who sings them



Hello. I worked on the movie. I'm curious why you were wondering?

Jeff Rodgers


I know this is kind of late, but the question is a good one. Some of us get very frustrated with the lack of information concerning the music, who wrote it, who performed it, is it orchestral, digital or mixed, who conducted, are there any "extra" instruments like a rock guitar or some such thing.

From my point of view some of the potential enjoyment is lost due to lack of info simply because I have a strong, classical/technical music background. And sometimes, if I like a person's music I'll look him up and see what else he has, if it's for sale, etc.


I have dial-up and my life is just fine.


Hey Guys,
Thanks for asking-- it seems people either love the music or hate it. Part of the difficulty in answering the question is because I'm unsure if you mean the Score, or do you mean Background Vocal (BV) songs? The list earlier that was listed are the BV songs. If you want score info-- it's pretty easy to answer. I did all of it, except for one piece that I did with Jeff Rodgers doing drums and the real pretty piano stuff towards the end is done by Brian Vaughn.

For the Score, I used both a combination of digital loops and sources, combined with some live playing. I did the guitars, piano and bass.

For my first film "The Keyman", Tim Cissell composed the score and hired real musicians and recorded it orchestral. It was wonderful. (I didn't have that budget on Promise).

On this latest film I am wrapping up, I decided at the last minute not to do the Score and hired Josh Goode to do it-- it's a much more edgy rock score.

Does this answer the questions??

Take care and thanks for watching,
Daniel Millican


Daniel, I'm sorry this is so late. I've been recuperating from a crippling case of bronchitis that apparently thought antibiotics were for juggling or something.

Thank you for responding, especially with all that glorious information that I crave! Speaking only for myself I must admit the Score can be the most important aspect of a movie as I will often play a movie in my background just for the music (non-vocal). Knowing the particulars, especially those with which I'm not very familiar, makes the listening more enjoyable.

I wouldn't know how to be a "normal fan" if you gave me written instructions, but you may count me as a Newly Interested Person; not only will I attempt to buy "The Gunman" I'll print your response and put it into the case for future reference.

Perhaps you'll consider similarly detailed posts (or maybe Trivia entries) for your other projects?

OK, I can't resist ... love the photo. I'm about sick to pieces of all the droopy-drawered, skin-head look-alike, eyebrow-plucked pseudo-males in my world. This isn't flirtation, but rather more of a vote for men to keep and display whatever hair they own.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer our questions.


I have dial-up and my life is just fine.


You're very nice, thank you.

I've got lots of details and trivia all over the place. For this most recent one "Bloodlines" starring Lou Diamond Phillips and Yancy Butler (, I actually wrote an ongoing journal in "IndieSlate" Magazine ( which you should be able to find at Barnes and Nobles and such. It covers two years and the complete making of Bloodlines.

We have just finished Bloodlines and are working on selecting a distributor right now.

Again, thanks for all your kind words!!

Daniel Millican
