Who Is 'Clera'?

Haven't played this game in a while, but I remember during the "Graveyard shift" level (after "basement killing") you are contacted by Agency - by a woman called Clera who claims "Diana's not here right now"

Was there a reason for this? It seemed prety random.

-"If ignorance is bliss you guys must be constantly orgasmic"
-Theo Riverlay- On Christians


I always thought that Clera was a chick at the agency. Just like you said Diana wasn't there so Clera was there to answer it.


Yeah, but the strange thing about it is that is the only time that Diana couldnt answer. What was Diana doing that was so important?...Wait, she could have just been using the restroom. Or she was on her period...


or they might have needed some extra dialogue after recording the original and didnt bother contacting the other actress.
