Does Vittorio survive?

After he passes the cross to 47, he laid motionless, leaving me confused. Did he survive?

The list is an absolute good. The list is life.


I took it as him dying. He took a blunt hit to the head with the butt of a shotgun... remember, that Russian guy(his name escapes me at the moment) was one tough hombre. That trauma could kill him, especially seeing how old and weak he was.

Of course, I could be wrong.

If you're too open minded, your brains will fall out.


I just finished the game and Vittorio gives 47 a crucifix after 47 kills the russian.


his name was segie and i thought he was just resting but i could be wrong


Yes, he certainly was dying.

If not, 47 wouldn't have left at that moment. The passing on of the crucifex and Vittorio laying motionless point to his dying.

47 left behind a church full of corpses. Don't think he would have done that if his friend was still alive (in a church full of corpses).

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He would've hurt after the blow to the head but I don't think he died/

Remember he said "Pray for me my friend." I thikn he meant "pray for my recovery."

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I took it as the priest giving the cross to 47 meaning that he was going to die and wanted 47 to have his cross to help 47 get the life he has decided he wants to lead. But of course 47 leaves it behind saying that he will never be able to stop being a Hitman.


I thought he meant that he was going to let go of his past and do whatever he wants to… walk down his own path. Maybe it went over my head…

Everyone has their different look at certain things. That's what makes up human.



Yup,I think Vittorio survives too.


i think he died, otherwise why ask someone to pray for you ? especially a ruthless assassin who obviously never prays in normal circumstances..


47 did pray while he was around him.

"The Right Man in the Wrong Place can make all the difference in the World..."
