Didn't even realize.

Yeah. I turned this movie on about a half hour into it and I didn't even realize they were men. In fact, I checked the info on the TV and noticed the three actors they listed were men and the feminist in me came out a little thinking they had listed the men first even though it was clearly three women that stole the show. I even thought that Coco was quite pretty. I did notice the voices but just thought chain smoker. Now that i've got you all convinced i'm an idiot i'd like to say in my defence that i'm quite sick and well, a tad feverish. So i'd like to blame that.

"Ah. Multiple exclamation points, the true sign of a deranged mind."


i had seen a small featurette on IFC before seeing this, so I knew beforehand that they were all men, but I was pretty amazed at how believable Coco was.


Hah! Me, too! I only knew Evie was a man because "Girls Will Be Girls" appeared when I googled Jack Plotnick... My sister said,
"They're all men!"
I answered,
"No, only Evie is! God... I mean, look at Coco! Do you think that's a man?"

Yeah. Turns out it was.. But they're all gohgeous, smack smack.


I agree, I think Coco looks alot like Allison Janney (who I think is pretty) So i could see how you thought it was a women. :)


"I checked the info on the TV and noticed the three actors they listed were men and the feminist in me came out a little thinking they had listed the men first even though it was clearly three women that stole the show." - Well now, ya see how silly it is to be indoctrinated with radical feminism at such an early age? LOL ;-) Those men fooled ya good, didn' they?!! haha -


I didn't have any background information or anything and I could tell within the first seconds of the film that they were all men. I guess I just have a good eye


I actually had to convince my boyfriend the youngest one was a man. When I told him, he realized. But he fought me on it. Lol. In his defense, he does have pretty bad eyesight. But that didn't keep me from laughing at him.

If you don't have anything nice to say, please, don't jump on people with your negativity.


Not only were all the women men, but even the little girl, Varla, was a little boy. I thought that was brilliant. The actor Lurie Poston has a drag credit to his resume before age 10.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


They're starting so early these days! Was there a single anatomical female to be seen anywhere in this film? Normally drag just bores me or alienates me, but I absolutely loved this movie. Great lines and delivery regardless of what's under the hood.
