New movie?

The rumour that Mel Gibson is going to produce a new version of "Boudica", has been out for a very long time now, but I recently found out that the film is supposed to be released this year. Does anyone know if that's true?

"Buried any husbands lately?"


God, I hope not.

The problem with Boudicca's story, is that in the end her army gets completely destroyed by a much smaller Roman army. It is a humiliating defeat for the Britons. That doesn't lend itself well to the Hollywood treatment, if Boudicca is going to be the protagonist.

So any film dealing with Boudicca will no doubt play fast & loose with the historical facts, and instead the filmmakers would probably have her be defeated in the end by a much larger Roman Army, or only after some sort of betrayal. (i.e., just as in the movie Braveheart William Wallace is defeated at Falkirk only when the Scottish nobles betray him, whereas in reality he was simply outfoxed and outfought by Longshanks)
